Site Map

06/01/99Am I Still a Republican?
07/05/99Part I: Defense & Security, Armed Forces Restoration
08/01/99Part II: Cut Taxes, Tax Reform
09/01/99Part III: Economic Sanity
10/01/99Is a United GOP Possible?
11/01/99Part IV: Campaign Finance, Education
12/01/99Clintons in Politics
12/31/99Author and Readership Friendly
01/03/00Let's Talk About the Future of Our Country
01/21/00Part V: Social Security & Medicare
01/21/00Morals and Ethics
02/01/00Diversity and Variety
02/08/00Voter's Rights, Responsibilities, and Fraud
02/19/00Don't Date a Political Junkie
02/26/00No Internet Taxes Ever!!
05/31/00Think of Two Pyramids
06/01/00Is Clinton Another Don Giovanni?
07/01/00Just Two Kinds of Americans
07/11/00This Really Isn't Necessary, Part 1
07/16/00The Magic Flute
07/27/00Right or Left?
08/10/00This Really Isn't Necessary, Part 2
09/10/00This Really Isn't Necessary, Part 3
10/02/00I'm in Big Trouble
11/05/00War on Drugs
11/10/00Voter Fraud 2000
11/10/00Where Was the GOP on November 7th?
11/18/00Don't Worry About 2004
11/21/00Serious Questions for the Republican Party
12/05/00I Cannot Understand the Florida Problem
12/11/00The Republican Liberty Caucus
12/11/00The Florida Problem, Part II
01/07/01A Government Out of Control
01/11/01My Answer to the Discussion Forums is ... So What?
01/18/01We Must Empower the Parents
01/26/01My Personal Dilemma Needs Help
01/30/01America: Urban or Rural
02/27/01Hospice: 2001
03/10/01Will the Real GOP Please Stand Up
03/25/01I Need Fresh Air
04/14/01Libertarianism for Dummies
04/16/01AIDS: Where Do We Go From Here?
05/01/01On Being Aggressively Peaceful
05/02/01Some Common Sense, Please
05/08/01The Politicians are Ruining Our Country
05/15/01The Federal Bureau of Charity
05/22/01American Education Problems
06/01/01Jury Neutering
06/15/01Book Review Review: Libertarian Bashing?
07/01/01Is the Supreme Court All Thumbs?
07/06/01Contract With America - Updated
07/29/01I'm Mad As Hell (You Know the Rest...)
09/01/01Government Chaos
09/15/01Collateral Damage and Roosting Chickens
09/16/01Wake Up Washington DC - The Terrorists Are Here!
10/01/01Heeling Our Leaders
10/15/01My Search for American Culture
11/01/01One Size Gives All Fits
11/15/01The Power of Babel
11/29/01December 2001, or Are We Returning to the Savagery of Our Past
12/01/01USA PATRIOT Games
12/15/01Freedom Riders
01/01/02Power Lunch: The War on Obesity
01/15/02Pigs in a Poke (Libertarian Style)
02/01/02Revenge of the Bill of Rights
02/06/02Sit Down, Dr. King. I Have A Dream Too
02/15/02Nannies On Parade
03/01/02My Mad Love Affair
03/01/02Smoke a Joint, Feed a Baby?
03/15/02The DrugTerrorMedia War
04/01/02Naysaying the Nanny State
04/15/02The Violence Virus
05/01/02Uncle Shazam and his Magical Logic
05/11/02The Problem of the Pledge of Allegiance
05/15/02Sand Dollars
05/20/02This Morning I Tore Up My Voter Registration Card
05/22/02Is Capitalism Dead?
06/28/02Big Daddy - Do We Need One?
07/01/02You're Not A Libertarian If...
07/15/02Antitrust Heresy
08/15/02Good Government: a Hit or a Myth?
09/01/02Pig in a Peignoir
09/15/02A Desire Named Streetcar
09/30/02Is the Social Conservative Division of the GOP a Cult?
10/01/02Pot Shots: the War on Weed
10/15/02Scrooge McDuck Capitalism
11/01/02Poetic Injustice
11/02/02Voter Fraud 2002
11/13/02We the People
11/13/02What You Can Do - We the People
11/15/02Nancy Pelosi?
11/15/02Conspiracy Leery
11/21/02The GOP vs. the LP
11/28/02Open Letter #1 to Rep Nancy
12/01/02Spying is Okay if it's not Orwellian
12/06/02Open Letter #2 to Rep Nancy
12/15/02The Future in Review
12/26/02Open Letter #3 to Rep Nancy
01/01/03Celebrities Don't Do Jail
02/01/03Tax Dollars for Sex Scholars
02/15/03Conscripting for Freedom
03/01/03Tithing to the Church of Green
03/15/03Who Hates Our Freedom?
03/18/03Americans Who Hate America - Why?
03/19/03Why do so many of our teens and young adults hate America?
04/01/03Violence for Peace
04/07/03Cleaning up the old ISMs in 2000 America
04/15/03Iraqi Horror Picture Show
05/01/03The Brief of Baghdad
05/15/03The Coffee War
05/16/03Life in the Passing Lane
05/16/03What You Can Do - Suburban Assault Vehicles
06/01/03Parody Parity
06/15/03Your Logo Here
06/20/03Social Engineering at its Finest
07/01/03Congress of Goons
07/15/03The Playboy School of Economics
08/01/03Drugging the Terror War
08/02/03A Consensus of Opinion
08/15/03Pizza Schmizza and Flaming Bagels
08/19/03Quote 929
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08/20/03Tags (Categories)
08/21/03What You Can Do - Drug Prohibition
08/29/03Big System Shuffle
08/29/03What You Can Do - Big System Shuffle
09/01/03Physician, Heel Thyself
09/09/03Opposing the Continuity of Government Proposal , by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/10/03Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Subsidies Distort the Housing Market, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/12/03What You Can Do - Hand Me the Weedwhacker
09/12/03Reach for the Weedwhacker
09/15/03The Goon-With-a-Gat Gambit
09/16/03We Cannot Afford Another $87 Billion in Iraq, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/18/03Reject UN Gun Control!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/30/03Are Vouchers the Solution for Our Failing Public Schools?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/01/03Bootleg Butts and the Power Wonks
10/15/03Product Lie Ability
10/16/03Opposing Trade Sanctions against Syria, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/17/03Borrowing Billions to Fund a Failed Policy in Iraq, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/01/03The National Wimp-Out List
11/15/03Insider Traitors
11/18/03Help Wanted
11/21/03Conscription- The Terrible Price of War, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/01/03The Moneycrats of Oz
12/08/03Whose Peace?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/01/04Liberty's Last Legs?
01/15/04The Not So Supreme Court
02/01/04The Good, the Bad and the Smugly
02/04/04Congress Abandoned its Duty to Debate and Declare War, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/11/04A Wise Consistency, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/12/04Rush Limbaugh and the Sick Federal War on Pain Relief, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/15/04Pointless Policy Punditry
02/26/04Views and Estimates for 2005, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/01/04How I Missed Being a Victim of Society
03/01/04The Smoketax Hoax
03/10/04An Indecent Attack on the First Amendment, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/15/04The Pledge of a Grievance
03/17/04Oppose a Flawed Policy of Preemptive War, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/19/04What You Can Do - Free Martha
03/19/04Free Martha
03/22/04Don't Let the FDA Block Access to Needed Health Care Information, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/25/04Oppose the Spendthrift 2005 Federal Budget Resolution, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/30/04Don't Expand NATO!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/01/04Animal Rights: an Equine of a Dissimilar Hue
04/09/04Energy: Part 1
04/15/04Why I Love the IRS
04/22/04The Lessons of 9/11, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/23/04Energy: Part 2
05/01/04Parsing a Firearms Farce
05/06/04Don't Start a War with Iran!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/06/04Abuse of Prisoners in Iraq, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/15/04Bisecting the Bureaubrain
05/19/04Reject the Millennium Challenge Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/02/04The House of Representatives Must be Elected!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/03/04The Same Old Failed Policies in Iraq , by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/04/04Nourish to Flourish
06/15/04To Hell in a Bipartisan Hand Basket
06/23/04Spending Billions on our Failed Intelligence Agencies, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/24/04A Token Attempt to Reduce Government Spending, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/25/04Praising Private Space Exploration, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/25/04LP Convention 2004, Part 1
06/25/04What You Can Do - Libertarian Party Convention 2004
07/01/04Good Golly Ms Molly!
07/08/04Government Spending- A Tax on the Middle Class, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/09/04LP Convention 2004, Part 2
07/15/04End the Two-Party Monopoly!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/15/04The Moon is a Harsh Mistrust
07/22/04Protecting Marriage from Judicial Tyranny, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/23/04Hands Off Sudan!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/23/04Porcupine Freedom Festival I, Part 1
07/23/04What You Can Do - Free State Project
07/31/04Emission Testing Gone Wrong
08/01/04Humanicon 2004
08/01/04Invasion of the Privacy Snatchers
08/06/04Porcupine Freedom Festival I, Part 2
08/12/04To Toll or Not to Toll?
08/15/04Toys for Tarts
08/20/04Pebble in the Shoe of a Sometimes Stylish Gentleman
09/01/04Sensitivity and the Right Hon. Wright
09/03/04What You Can Do
09/03/04Coming Out of Right Field
09/07/04September 11th AISD Bond Election (Austin, Texas)
09/15/04A Spate of Free State Slates
09/17/04Don't Waste Your Vote: Deal It!
09/23/04Federal Courts and the Pledge of Allegiance, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/30/04Cultural Conservatives Lose if Gay Marriage is Federalized , by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/01/04November 2004 Election
10/01/04Pot and the Art of Felt Tip Whipping
10/01/04Slipping off the Educational Fast Track at Mickey D's
10/04/04Support of HR 3193, the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/05/04Reject Draft Slavery, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/05/04Reject a National Prescription Database, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/06/04No Mandatory Mental Health Screening for Kids, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/08/04The 9-11 Intelligence Bill: More Bureaucracy, More Intervention, Less Freedom, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/08/04A Pox on All the Houses...
10/15/04Pour Me a Cup of Mental Disorder
10/15/04Left, Right, and Wrong:
10/15/04Commuter Rail Considerations
10/15/04Please Vote Against CapMetro's Commuter Rail Proposition
10/21/04Better than Rail
10/22/04The 900-Pound Gorilla in the Closet
10/25/04Austin's E-Voting Changes Your Vote to Bush?
10/26/04Republicans for Michael Badnarik
10/29/042004 Ryder Cup and Public Morality
10/29/04Messages and Replies to "Libertarians for Kerry."
11/01/04Where Do We Go From Here?
11/01/04Election Obituary
11/01/04The Whole Hog Special Interest Sandwich
11/01/04Moral Values
11/05/04Christopher Reeve, Man of Steel, RIP
11/12/04Walk a Mall in My Shoes
11/15/04Partycrats Behaving Badly
11/17/04Honoring Phil Crane, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/18/04Raising the Debt Limit: A Disgrace, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/19/04Stay out of Sudan's Civil War, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/19/04Teen Angel, Can You Hear Me…
11/20/04Where To From Here?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/26/04Dubya Rides Again
12/01/04A Gift of Freedom
12/01/04The Tasteless Screeners Awards
12/07/04U.S. Hypocrisy in Ukraine, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/10/04Rub a Bub Bub
12/15/04Future Regulators of America
12/16/04TxDOT Forgets How Our Country Was Founded
12/17/04To Grandmother's (Surrogate) House We Go
12/31/04Another Spartan into the Breach
01/01/05Book Review - Worse Than Watergate
01/01/05Movie, Book, and Other Reviews
01/01/05The Christmas Grinch List
01/06/05Government IDs and Identity Theft, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/07/05The Impeachment-9/11 Project
01/09/05Day Ten: "Plenty of bodies."
01/14/05The Impeachment-9/11 Project, Part 2
01/15/05You Blighted Nations
01/16/05Day Fourteen: "You name an enemy."
01/19/05Double Tax Toll Roads, Conflicts and Bankruptcies
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 6: Independence
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 3: Causality
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 7: Life
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 2: Identity
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 4: Consciousness
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 5: Nature
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 8: Morality
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 9: Passion
01/21/05Reason 101
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 10: Freedom
01/21/05Reason 101 - Pillar 1: Existence
01/26/05What If (It was all a Big Mistake)?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/28/05In Geek We Trust
02/01/05I Don't Want to Be a Democrat!
02/01/05Aid for Dependent Corporatcrats
02/04/05Please Drink and Drive
02/04/05What You Can Do - Please Drink and Drive
02/07/05Mayor's office offers bribes for petitions!?!
02/09/05HR 418- A National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Reform, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/10/05Taylor Family Recipes
02/11/05Support Your Local Chiropractor
02/12/05Day Twenty-eight: "Dancing with the Demons."
02/15/05How I Ripped Off Ayn Rand
02/18/05Up In Smoke
02/25/05Why Is Bush Still Here?
03/01/05The Schiavo Case
03/01/05PET, Inc. Files Lawsuit Against CTRMA
03/01/05Do I Need to Sue My Teachers?
03/01/05Big Media's Rent-a-Pundits
03/04/05The State of the State
03/05/05Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)
03/06/05Book Review - In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
03/10/05Book Review - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
03/11/05Is Atlas Shrugging?
03/12/05Million Dollar Baby (2004)
03/14/05Statement on H Res. 135, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/15/05Xtreme Taxpayer Space Sports
03/18/05God and Morality
03/25/05Credit Card Crunch
03/30/05The Aviator (2004)
04/01/05Whose Wife Is It, Anyway?
04/01/05Chuckling at the Culture Clash
04/03/05Book Review - Terrorism and Tyranny
04/03/05Book Review - The Rise of the Creative Class
04/03/05Book Review - The Kite Runner
04/06/05Honoring Pope John Paul II- A Consistent Pro-life Figure, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/06/05Who’s Better Off?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/06/05Hypocrisy and the Ordeal of Terri Schiavo, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/08/05Family Values
04/12/05Finding Neverland (2004)
04/13/05Sideways (2004)
04/14/05Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley!, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/14/05Ray (2004)
04/15/05Let's Criminalize Everything
04/15/05Asbestos into Gold?
04/17/05Book Review - Building a Bridge to the 18th Century
04/19/05Book Review - Crossing the Rubicon
04/25/05Austin May 2005 Election Endorsements
04/29/05On the Road Again, Part 1
05/01/05Calling all RINOs!
05/01/05Book Review: The Loose Cannon Canon
05/01/05Collateral (2004)
05/03/05Maria Full of Grace (2004)
05/04/05Reject Taxpayer Bank Bailouts, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/04/05Republicans Should Not Support a UN Court, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/06/05Texas Cheerleader Sex Scandal
05/07/05Free showing of "The Future of Food" at Habitat Suites
05/08/05Fake Fake
05/13/05On the Road Again, Part 2
05/15/05Cartoon Libertarians
05/20/05Freedom 101 - Pillar 10
05/20/05Freedom 101 - Pillars 1 - 4
05/20/05Freedom 101
05/20/05Freedom 101 - Pillars 5 - 9
05/24/05No Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/24/05Gilda (1946)
05/25/05Golf Course Reviews - Colovista
05/27/05Make It Go Round in Circles
05/30/05Accepting the Courage to Live
05/30/05Ann Coulter and the ERA
05/30/05Gay Marriage: A Comment
05/30/05Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson - April 13th
05/30/05How Close is too close to a NeoCon?
05/30/05In Placerville, California, mothers have no rights
05/30/05Libertarian Retrospective: And thanks to James Byron Dean
05/30/05A Lovely Tea at the White House with Laura Bush!
05/30/05The Mother of Proposition 13
05/30/05Phyllis Schlfly is wrong - but so is everyone.
05/30/05Pray for the fallen that God might lift them up. (It won't be theNeoCons doing it.)
05/30/05Raspberry Gumballs and the President
05/30/05Recalling Gray Davis: He failed to act
05/30/05Rhetoric vs. Reality : A NeoCon ploy
05/30/05Rove sends bouquet to Barbra Streisand
05/30/05Send in the Incredible Hulk: A Darwin Award for Government
05/30/05Susan B. Anthony for Governor of California
05/30/05A Valentine for San Francisco
05/30/05Wendy McElroy: NeoCon Flack
05/30/05When Justice is Dead: Save KT Delettre
05/30/05Women, War and the ERA
06/01/05Regurgitate Real ID!
06/02/05Evangelicals are hypocrites: Do not emulate them.
06/02/05Faith and Religious Practice: Quantum Consciousness
06/02/05Book Review - The Celestine Prophecy (1993)
06/02/05Bob Roberts (1992)
06/03/05Welease Wocky Waccoon
06/07/05Crash (2004)
06/09/05Beatty vs. the Governor: Send Arnold back to Hollywood
06/09/05"Beefed-up" Independent Study could save Central Texans HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars every year
06/14/05The Hidden Cost of War, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/15/05From the Folderol Folder
06/15/05The Notebook (2004)
06/16/05Book Review - The Last Free Man in America (2004)
06/19/05Golf Course Reviews - Golf Club of Indiana
06/21/05Rebutting the Critics of the Iraq Withdrawal Resolution, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/21/05Celebrating Juneteenth, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/22/05Statement on the Flag Burning Amendment, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/22/05Introduction of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/24/05"I Lied for War."
07/01/05Bushwacked by the Patriot Act
07/01/05Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1
07/02/05Supreme Court Justice Appointees
07/02/05Supreme Court Justice Appointees
07/08/05Freedom: It's the Law, Part 2
07/11/05Henry Lamb- A Great Freedom Fighter Documents how your Dietary Supplements are Under Attack, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/14/05SUICIDE TERRORISM, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/15/05The US Supine Court
07/15/05Not Theirs to Give:
07/20/05The Republican Congress Wastes Billions Overseas, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/21/05Don't Reauthorize the Patriot Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/22/05Hillbillies and Polynesians:
07/26/05United States Trade Rights Enforcement Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/28/05Love is the Answer:
08/01/05Lost Principles Hotel
08/06/05Anne Coulter: Getting rich by destroying freedom for women
08/06/05The Confidence Game: The Reality of Rove: NeoSpeaking in America
08/06/05Coulter: Using the sex card to sell the NeoCon Agenda
08/06/05Good News: Voter fraud can be handled easily and without voting machines.
08/06/05An Honorable Rhetoric; an Ugly Reality - The Bush Inaugural Address
08/06/05How Close is too Close? How the NeoCons are using fear to stifle free speech
08/06/05How The NeoCons Stole Freedom: The Story of Earth Day
08/06/05Karl Rove: The Rapture in the Rose Garden
08/06/05The Lurid Fantasy Life of Ann Coulter
08/06/05A Republican Woman Speaks out
08/06/05The Rules for NeoCons as played by Karl Rove
08/12/05Hotel Rwanda (2004)
08/14/05Why George W. Bush is scared to talk to Cindy Sheehan
08/15/05Shunning the Real ID Enablers
08/18/05The Grim Toller Strikes Again
08/18/05[fRtF] 8/19 - Easier Than You Think
08/19/05Book Review - Easier Than You Think (2005)
08/26/05The NeoCons: Weapons of Mass Destruction
08/26/05Highway Pork
08/29/051860s vs. Iraq?
08/29/05Republican Religious Conservatives
09/01/05SnooperChips and ToasterTaps
09/02/05Katrina and the Bush Administration
09/04/05How the NeoCons murdered New Orleans
09/08/05Why We Fight, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/09/05Garden State (2004)
09/15/05The Coming Category 5 Financial Hurricane, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/15/05The Collapse of Political Correctness
09/16/05Hurricane Katrina Aftermath
09/17/05America is off course - Time for a change.
09/19/05Why James Dean is worth remembering.
09/20/05Let's Build a New American Lobby
09/27/05Poverty in America
09/27/05Are You a Libertarian Writer? (old page)
10/01/05The Collectivist's Culturally Correct Curriculum
10/04/05Political Brain Divisions
10/07/05Staying or Leaving, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/07/05Depleted Uranium Travel Advisory
10/08/05State or Federal Rights?
10/14/05Reciprocal Links (friends/non-directory)
10/15/05Beating the PC Name Game
10/18/05Serious Conservative Questions
10/21/05A Different Look At "Service"?
10/26/05We Have Been Warned, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/31/05The Playing Field is Now Level
11/01/05Drawing a Hardline in the Sand
11/02/05Big Lies and Little Lies, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/02/05Ways to Promote "from Reason to Freedom"
11/03/05Cheat Sheet for Creating New Articles
11/07/05Censorship By Taxation
11/07/05Review of "The Irony of Free Speech"
11/07/05A Sorry Excuse for an Apology
11/08/05My tax ballot
11/08/05The ERA - NOW pending
11/08/05Introduction / About / Terms of Service / Frequently Asked Questions
11/09/05Conservatives, Liberals and the Libertarian Solution
11/09/05Free Speech in My Home Town: Toledo, Ohio
11/09/05Gay Marriage: Another Libertarian Solution
11/09/05Morality and Practicality
11/09/05Anarchy? Seriously?
11/09/05Government and Medicine
11/09/05An Open Letter to the GOP Candidates
11/10/05Free Speech and Dietary Supplements, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/10/05How the NeoCons - and the Dems - sunk the Ship of State
11/10/05Humor - Things you have to believe to be a Republican today:
11/10/05Humor - Bush's letter to France
11/10/05Humor - Little David
11/10/05Humor - Father Daughter Talk
11/10/05Humor - Air Travel Solution
11/10/05Humor - Dear Abby
11/10/05Humor - Gonorrhea Lectim
11/13/05The Day America Died
11/14/05My Political Obituary
11/15/05The Conservative's Socially Suitable Syllabus
11/16/05Congress Erodes Privacy, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/16/05The Conservative's Socially Suitable Syllabus
11/16/05Drawing a Hardline in the Sand
11/16/05Beating the PC Name Game
11/16/05The Collectivist's Culturally Correct Curriculum
11/16/05The Collapse of Political Correctness
11/16/05SnooperChips and ToasterTaps
11/16/05Shunning the Real ID Enablers
11/16/05The US Supine Court
11/16/05The Moneycrats of Oz
11/16/05The Coffee War
11/18/05Statement on So-Called "Deficit Reduction Act", by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/30/05Free Trade not Free in Free World
12/01/05Free Trade not Free in Free World
12/07/05The Blame Game, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/15/05Torture Act Elicits Illicit Denials
12/15/05Torture Act Elicits Illicit Denials
12/19/05Best Sellers as NeoCon Bullets aimed to deceive
12/28/05The English Are Daft
12/30/05Operation Gas the Earth: A NeoCon redevelopment project
01/03/06Bush Nominates Computer for Supreme Court
01/13/06The Fantasy Life of NeoCons: Alito and his clones keep coming, and coming.....
01/15/06Spy vs Spy vs Spy vs Spy
01/18/06Searching for a New Direction, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/30/06The Shape of Things To Come
01/30/06The Libertarian's Legitimate Litmus Lessons
02/01/06Statement on H.Res 648, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/01/06The Libertarian's Legitimate Litmus Lessons
02/01/06What You Can Do - Vote Exchanging
02/07/06Before Godzilla eats New York - Ratify the ERA
02/07/06Government is broken: Time to reboot
02/09/06Danica and Annika
02/09/06Stem Cell Research and its Discontents
02/13/06Your right of Free Speech: Thank the Zengers and act now to save those rights from Bush
02/15/06The End of Dollar Hegemony, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/15/06Love is not having to say, "I own you."
02/15/06George and Tony's Excellent Little Gulf War
02/19/06ACTION AGENDA Cyber Storm: Ramping up to revoke the First Amendment
02/22/06Reciprocal Links
02/25/06A NeoCon Strategy exposed: Why the NeoCons focus so many attacks on women
02/28/06Why Scooter Libby is Toast and Rove will provide the butter:
02/28/06America needs Gun Control ... for Bureaucrats
03/03/06Statement on the "Sunlight Rule," by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/06/06An Insider's Guide to the NeoCon World: Get ready to meet the wolves of fate
03/07/06The Forbidden Sign: Republican Woman, DAR Member - Terrorist Threat?
03/10/06The Shots Heard Round the World were not a government operation
03/13/06The Abortion Issue is Blooming
03/17/06The Impossibility of Political Calculation
03/17/06UnLockeing Property
03/17/06Paradoxes of Uplift
03/17/06Culture as Adverb
03/17/06Liberalism as a Defense of Ownership
03/17/06Saving the World and our Wallets from the NeoCons
03/17/06Yelling "Peace" in a Crowded Classroom
03/19/06The Evolution of American Culture
03/26/06Devolution in America 2006
03/28/06Making the World Safe for Christianity, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/29/06Statement on HR 609, the "Academic Bill of Rights," by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/29/06A Guide to Understanding the NeoCons: How the NeoCons use sweet charity - and how to stop them.
03/30/06A Tribute to the Late Harry Browne, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/01/06The 2006 Elections are Coming!!! And What Fun We Will Have
04/02/06Busting Barflies in Bars only the Beginning?
04/05/06Iran: The Next Neocon Target, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/13/06One America!
04/15/06The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire: What one man saw and learned
04/16/06Libertarian ScamBlogger Covertly Quizzes Bee Bureaucrat
04/17/06Spring has Sprung!
04/20/06[fRtF] 4/21 - Libertarian ScamBlogger Covertly Quizzes Bee Bureaucrat
04/25/06What the Price of Gold is Telling Us, by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/26/06How the Libertarians lost Liberty: John Fund, Justin Raimondo, and the history of the Libertarian Party
04/30/06Where are We in 2006? Republicans or Conservatives?
04/30/06Bureaucrats Never Burdened by Burden of Proof
05/02/06What Congress Can Do About Soaring Gas Prices, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/04/06Boobs, Panties, and Courage: How honest elections could change Alabama
05/04/06[fRtF] 5/5 - To Your Health
05/05/06To Your Health, or, "How Not To Be Poisoned By the US Food Industry"
05/15/06Senate Embryo Imbroglio Inaugurates Euphemism Schism
05/17/06Coulter's War: Ann Coulter acknowledges the covert NeoCon war on Americans
05/23/06How the NeoCons make War on all of us
05/31/06"Immigrants need to be better Americans than Americans"
05/31/06[fRtF] 5/31 - Immigrants need to be better Americans than Americans
06/04/06Memories of a Free Festival
06/10/06How to Boot the NeoCons and Reboot America
06/11/06Fox Hunting in the UK
06/20/06Dialogue is Key to Dealing With Iran, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/29/06Why Are Americans So Angry?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/13/06John Fund and the Truth: On Trial in New York
07/16/06For Life
07/18/06Obligatory Global Warming Scares of the Day
07/22/06The meaning of my tagline
07/22/06*War is a Racket
07/22/06How New Yorkers can stop the NeoCons
07/28/06[fRtF] 7/28 - War is a Racket
07/28/06Bacchus on Wines
07/28/06Escape to unexpected delight: An Evening in Morocco
07/28/06A Republican Woman asks why Democrats do not demand Impeachment
07/28/06Franciscan Oakville Estate 2004 Chardonnay
07/29/06Life, Liberty, and Happiness, An Optimist Manifesto
08/01/06Former House Congresscrat declares World War III
08/02/06LSD Refugees
08/03/06[fRtF] 8/4 - A Republican Woman asks why Democrats do not demand Impeachment
08/04/06Santa Cristina 2003 Antinori Toscana Sangiovese Italy
08/04/06Warre's 1994 Late Bottled Vintage Porto Spain
08/10/06Saving Our Elderly: Off the Grid NOW
08/10/06America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
08/11/06[fRtF] 8/11 - America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
08/11/06Truth About Theodore Roosevelt's Legacy
08/11/06Without a Net: Compromise versus Calculation
08/14/06All's fair in love and counterterrorism
08/18/06Toad Hollow 2004 Chardonnay
08/19/06Terror Alert
08/21/06[fRtF] 8/18 - All's fair in love and counterterrorism
08/21/06Guv Race Heats Up w/attacks on Carole - she fights back!
08/23/06The Fight Is On! November 2006
08/25/06[fRtF] 8/25 - The Fight Is On! November 2006
08/25/06Hess Collection 2004 Chardonnay
08/27/06Windy Ridge 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon
08/27/06Hoya de Cadensa Reserva 1999 Tempranillo
08/27/06Paringa 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon
08/28/06The "Fair" Tax is a welfare scam
08/30/06Rerouting Rick Perry & his Corridor w/Grandma!
08/31/06Can government regulators regulate themselves?
08/31/06[fRtF] 9/1 - The "Fair" Tax is a welfare scam
09/03/06Conspiracy Theory
09/05/06Steve Irwin as Viewed by Conservatives
09/05/06His Destiny
09/07/06Big Government Solutions Don't Work/ The Law of Opposites, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/07/06Lew Rockwell, Cindy Sheehan, and The Oil Plundering Act
09/07/06Family Fascism: The Destruction of American families
09/07/06[fRtF] 9/8 - His Destiny
09/10/06The Path to 9/11 Leads Through Disney to David Horowitz - and his NeoConning friends
09/12/06Goodbye and Good Luck
09/15/06Fall Creek 2005 Chenin Blanc
09/15/06Barton & Guestier 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon
09/16/06Hands Across the Corridor
09/16/06[fRtF] 9/15 - The Path to 9/11 Leads Through Disney to David Horowitz - and his NeoConning friends
09/22/06License to Kill Freedom Popular in USSA
09/22/06Bogle Vineyards 2005 Chenin Blanc
09/25/06Help Strayhorn Stop the Foreign Land Grab in Texas on Saturday!
09/26/06The Secret Lives of Howie Rich and Ed Crane
09/26/06Toll & Corridor Summit II
09/27/06Truth Be Tolled Reservations and Corridor Summit
09/30/06The Wit And Wisdom of Rightwing Rant Radio
10/04/06There is no Step-God
10/05/06Truth Be Tolled Documentary Premiere, Austin, Texas
10/05/06Toasted Head 2004 Viognier California
10/05/06Il Dragone Barbera D'Asti Italy
10/06/06[fRtF] 10/6 - There is no Step-God
10/06/06Foley Resigns, Big Whoop
10/07/06Google Page Rank 5
10/08/06Republican Sex Scandals, Old and New: The NeoCons Gaslight America
10/08/06Are You a Libertarian Writer? (and want to be paid for it?)
10/11/06Re: Obsolete Gamer Bigotry
10/13/06Re: Military recruiters leave no child off their lists
10/13/06[fRtF] 10/13 - Are You a Libertarian Writer?
10/15/06California claims cars cook climate
10/20/0610/20 - California claims cars cook climate
10/20/06The Military Commissions Act: Mary Stromberg from Alabama asks a question of educators in her state.
10/22/06Latest Good Blogs, 80+ Entries from 11/07 to 01/08
10/24/06Regarding the Trans-Texas Corridor
10/27/06[fRtF] 10/27 - The Military Commissions Act: Mary Stromberg from Alabama asks a question of educators in her state.
10/28/06Get Smart: The Saga of a Libertarian candidate who is determined to fight back
10/28/06Christian Moueix 2003 Merlot Bordeaux France
10/28/06Baron Philippe de Rothschild 2003 Cabernet Sauvigon
10/29/06Green Corn Project Garage Sale Fundraiser
10/29/06Le Faux Frog 2003 Merlot
10/29/06Wine reviews, the good, the bad, and the ugly . . .
10/30/06Ain't no lesser of two evils
10/31/06Sutter Home 2004 Moscato
11/02/06Beringer 2005 White Zinfandel California
11/02/06Stealing Elections Texas Style: Mrs. Blankenship goes out to vote.
11/05/06GHOST PLANE, The True Story of the CIA Torture Program, by Stephen Grey
11/06/06[fRtF] 11/3 - Stealing Elections Texas Style and Ain't no lesser of two evils
11/06/06Hammy for President!
11/08/06Howie Rich and Ed Crane: Their antics in South Carolina
11/08/06Villa Maria 2004 Sauvignon Blanc New Zealand
11/09/06An open letter to libertarian Republicans
11/09/06Schmitt Sohne 2004 Riesling
11/10/06[fRtF] 11/10 - An open letter to libertarian Republicans
11/12/06Ste Genevieve 2005 White Zinfandel
11/14/06Once Again, The Horse Did Not Fly, by David F. Nolan
11/15/06ID theft, Real ID, and the Wizard of ID
11/16/06An open letter on Iraq
11/16/06All the news fit to spin
11/17/06[fRtF] 11/17 - ID theft, Real ID, and the Wizard of ID
11/17/06Ste Genevieve Chardonnay California
11/19/06Celebrate an American Anniversary: December 16, 2024 The Boston Tea Party
11/19/06Until everyone has the same standing under the Constitution it means nothing. Ratify the ERA
11/22/06Lindemans Bin 65 Chardonnay Australia
11/22/06200 vs. 6 billion
11/24/06Francis Coppola 2004 Chardonnay California
11/24/06J.Lohr 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon California
11/25/06MADD is mad
11/25/06[fRtF] 11/24 - An open letter on Iraq
11/25/06Cavit 2005 Pinot Grigio Venezie Italy
11/27/06Latest Republican / Limbaugh joke
11/27/06Earn Blog Traffic Exchange Credits
11/29/06Placido 2005 Chianti Italy
11/30/06The Terrorist Whisperers
11/30/06Cavit 2004 Merlot Venezie Italy
11/30/06Americans voted NO on the Bush Administration. Mark December 10th as Impeachment Day
12/01/06[fRtF] 12/1 - Americans voted NO on the Bush Administration. Mark December 10th as Impeachment Day
12/01/06Lindemans Bin 50 2004 Shiraz Australia
12/01/06Santa Rita 120 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon Chile
12/06/06Ste Genevieve Shiraz Sonoma California
12/08/06[fRtF] 12/8 - The Terrorist Whisperers
12/08/06An Open Letter to my Federal Representatives
12/12/06America's Veterans need your help NOW!
12/12/06Frontera 2006 Chardonnay Chile Concha Y Toro
12/13/06LIBERTY FOR ALL, by Elizabeth Price Foley
12/13/06Yellowtail 2005 Melot Australia
12/13/06Frontera 2005 Merlot Chile
12/14/06[fRtF] 12/14 - LIBERTY FOR ALL, by Elizabeth Price Foley
12/14/06No Need for Tolls, Texas A&M TTI Report
12/17/06Man bites dog: straight man outed
12/29/06Are Atheists Normally Socialists?
12/29/06[fRtF] 12/29 - Are Atheists Normally Socialists?
01/01/072006: Freedom in the rearview mire
01/05/073000 American Deaths in Iraq, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/05/07[fRtF] 1/5 - 2006: Freedom in the rearview mire
01/08/07Dynamite 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon California
01/10/07An open letter to the 110th Congress
01/11/07Escalation is Hardly the Answer, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/12/07[fRtF] 1/12 - An open letter to the 110th Congress
01/12/07Conundrum 2004 White Wine California
01/14/07Review: B. B. Rovers International Cafe & Pub
01/14/07Too late to Barr the door
01/15/07Escalation in the Middle East, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/16/07Snow in Austin
01/16/07Re: A Lynching, by Riverbend (Girl Blog from Iraq)
01/19/07NIX ON Bush: Take Back the Republican Party, Install Ron Paul
01/19/07[fRtF] 1/19 - Too late to Barr the door
01/24/07The State of the Union is a Real Mess
01/24/07Radicals for Capitalism, by Brian Doherty
01/26/07Serious Political Feline Discussions
01/28/07Text Link Ads, Too Young to Bother With?
01/28/07You scored as Satanism. (Stupid Quiz Department)
01/28/07[fRtF] 1/26 - NIX ON Bush: Take Back the Republican Party, Install Ron Paul
01/29/07ValueClick Media (Review and Correspondence)
01/29/07Adbrite (Review and Correspondence)
01/30/07Goodbye to Capitalism?
01/30/07Ardeche 2004 Chardonnay France
01/30/07Copperidge 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon California
01/30/07Albertoni 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon California
01/30/07Copper Ridge 2006 Chardonnay California
01/31/07Playing the I Won't Run game
02/01/07Civility is for the Civil: Cheney should answer all questions.
02/01/07Timbuktu 2006 Blend South Australia
02/02/07[fRtF] 2/2 - Playing the I Won't Run game
02/02/07Copper Ridge 2004 Merlot California
02/03/07Dell to Retake Helm, Employees Ecstatic!
02/04/07Civil War in Iraq or in the GOP?
02/05/07Requiem for a Nation, or a Call to Rebirth?
02/06/07Don't Do It, Mr. President, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/07/07SMU: The Battle of Petitions
02/08/07Rehab for America
02/08/07Luna di Luna 2003 Merlot Cabernet
02/08/07Torres San Valentin 2005 Parellada
02/09/07[fRtF] 2/9 - SMU: The Battle of Petitions
02/09/07[Indyfriends] URGENT ANNOUNCEMENTS for all Texans! - PLEASE FORWARD!
02/09/07Don't Tag Texas!
02/09/07Carignan Very Old Vines 2003 Vin de Pays de L'aude France
02/13/07Dynamite Vineyards 2004 Zinfandel Mendocino California
02/13/07Dulong 2004 Merlot France
02/14/07Statement on the Iraq War Resolution, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/14/07Poisoned Spies and Conspiracy Theories
02/14/07Sutter Home 2005 Merlot California
02/15/07Statement for Hearing on "Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy," by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/16/07[fRtF] 2/16 - Poisoned Spies and Conspiracy Theories
02/16/07Luna di Luna 2005 Chardonnay Italy
02/16/07Nobel 2003 Merlot France
02/17/07Take your sneak peek at the Bush Library at SMU! You will be glad you did.
02/19/07The Long March towards Freedom: Will the LP be the vehicle for realizing America's Vision?
02/19/07Adventures in Activism, Motherhood, and Marriage: The Untold Story of the 1991 LP Convention.
02/20/07Show Down in Crawford Texas: When the Truth Triumphed.
02/21/07Paul Honored as "Taxpayers' Friend" for Tenth Consecutive Year
02/21/07Aaku 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon South Australia
02/23/07[fRtF] 2/23 - The Long March towards Freedom: Will the LP be the vehicle for realizing America's Vision?
02/26/07Challenge Toll Roads and the Trans Texas Corridor
02/28/07The War on Peanuts
02/28/07Everybody Supports the Troops, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/01/07Luna di Luna 2003 Shiraz-Merlot Italy
03/03/07[fRtF] 3/2 - Everybody Supports the Troops, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/07/07The Scandal at Walter Reed, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/07/07Mouton Cadet 2004 Bordeaux France
03/08/07De Loach 2004 White Zinfandel California
03/10/07I Don't Care about Anna Nicole Smith!
03/11/07At War with Conservative Republicans
03/11/07Marquee 2004 Cabernet-Merlot Australia
03/11/07Valdadige 2005 Pinot Grigio Italy
03/14/07Ten reasons to love global warming
03/15/07Taylor Fladgate 10 Year Old Tawny Port
03/15/07Dows 10 Year Old Tawny Porto
03/20/07The Upcoming Iraq War Funding Bill, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/25/07Leviathan on the Right, by Michael D. Tanner
03/28/07The History of America You Most Need to Know.
04/01/07MD 20-20 Red Grape New York
04/01/07Thunderbird White Wine California
04/01/07Mogen David Concord New York
04/01/07Dim bulbs to ban light bulbs
04/01/07Switching Gears on Kirk Watson's Senate Bill 1184
04/03/07You May Be Crazy - But the SEC is still out to get you!
04/03/07When McCain runs so do the snickers. Jane Stillwater is in Baghdad asking questions.
04/05/07Unstoppable Global Warming, by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery
04/06/07Fisheye 2005 Chardonnay California
04/06/07Santa Ema 2004 Cabernet Chile
04/13/07GREENIE WATCH, by John Ray, engages in content theft and copyright infringement
04/13/072 year moratorium on Trans Texas Corridor being riddled with pork
04/13/07Cline 2005 Ancient Vine Zinfandel Sonoma California
04/13/07King Estate 2005 Pinot Noir Oregon
04/15/07Committing the Crime of Free Speech
04/17/07We Just Marched In (So We Can Just March Out), by US Rep. Ron Paul
04/23/07April 22, 2024 - The First Oil Day: Wake up and smell the fumes
04/23/07The Bush Legacy of Death
04/27/07Santa Rita 2002 Merlot Chile
04/30/07The Moneycrats of Crock
05/05/07Tisdale 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
05/08/07The Age of Abundance, How Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture, by Brink Lindsey
05/09/07Statement on Chinese Currency, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/14/07Earth Day and Tiffy the Teenage Fortuneteller
05/18/07Statement on Immigration Agreement, by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/18/07Dynamite 2004 Chardonnay California
05/18/07Papio 2005 Merlot California
05/18/07Kendall Jackson 2005 Chardonnay California
05/22/07In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?), by US Rep. Ron Paul
05/23/07Stop the Trans Texas Corridor Treachery, Memorial Day 2007, by
05/27/07Tortoise Creek 2005 Pinot Noir France
05/28/07Mom, is George Bush a terrorist?
05/31/07The war against law-abiding citizens
05/31/07Stop the Genocide in Palestine: A Father speaks out
05/31/07David's Hammer, The Case for an Activist Judiciary, by Clint Bolick
06/01/07Yalumba 2002 Merlot South Australia
06/07/07Establish a Sunset for the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/09/07Aaku 2005 Chardonnay South Australia
06/13/07Statement on NICS HR 2640, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/14/07FOX Reality = Bread and Circus?
06/14/07Culture shocker: Paris in the Pokey
06/14/07Warres Otima 10 Year Old Tawny Porto Portugal
06/15/07Lorval 2005 Pinot Noir France
06/15/07Crane Lake 2005 Chardonnay
06/15/07Crane Lake 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
06/16/07Tom Knapp, Ron Paul, and Racism
06/17/07Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology Remittance Hearing, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/17/07Who is the best current choice to promote libertarianism?
06/20/07Statement on H Con Res 21, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/20/07Statement on Financial Services Paulson Hearing, by US Rep. Ron Paul
06/23/07Chateau Grand-Jean Recolte 2003 Boudreaux France
06/23/07El Portillo 2004 Syrah Mendoza Argentina
06/23/07Canyon Oaks 2005 Merlot California
06/28/07Gordon is a Mullet
07/01/07All breadwinners are mercenaries
07/02/07The Case Against Adolescence, by Robert Epstein, Ph.D.
07/03/07A Note On Adam Smith
07/04/07Al Qaeda's New Tactics
07/04/07Reason for Toll Roads?
07/09/07Signing Statements Erode Constitutional Balance, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/11/07Pros and Cons of Real ID?
07/12/07Responsible Redeployment From Iraq, HR 2956, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/12/07Why We Fight (2005)
07/12/07A War For Oil
07/12/07Blackstone Group LP, and your piece of the Rock
07/15/07Student Scholarships Available to Attend ISIL Williamsburg Virginia August 11th Conference
07/16/07Globalism, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/17/07Humphrey Hawkins Prequel Hearing, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/18/07Why America needs immigration amnesty
07/19/07Libertarian Presidential Candidate Steve Kubby Endorses Ron Paul
07/23/07Exposing the True Isolationists, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/25/07Doomed to repeat history
07/26/07So Long And Thanks For All The Fish
07/26/07Arming My 6 Year Old
07/26/07Graham’s 10 Year Old Tawny Port
07/30/07The Fear Factor, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/30/07HR 180, Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
07/31/07Gay Bombs and Bubble Wrapped Battlefields
07/31/07Yvecourt 2005 Sauvignon Blanc Bordeaux France
07/31/07Avia 2005 Chardonnay Slovenia
07/31/07Cavit 2006 Pinot Noir Italy
07/31/07Mulderbosch 2006 Cabernet Rose' South Africa
08/01/07Public Safety Tax Cut Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/01/07Police Security Protection Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/01/07Introduction of the Congressional Responsibility and Accountability Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/02/07Introducing the Comprehensive Health Care Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/02/07Introduction of the Freedom from Unnecessary Litigation Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/02/07Treat Physicians Fairly Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/02/07Introducing the Quality Health Care Coalition Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/02/07HR 3159, the Ensuring Military Readiness through Stability and Predictability Deployment Policy Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/03/07Keeping Your Home despite the New World Order - The Mortgage Crisis.
08/04/07Llano 2005 Chenin Blanc Texas USA
08/06/07As Recess Begins, Spending Spree Continues, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/06/07Avia 2005 Pinot Noir Vardar Valley Macedonia
08/10/07The Tipping Point – Taking Back America
08/10/07Warrant in Texas, Drivers License in California?
08/10/07If You Could Print Dollars: How Paper Money Is Bankrupting Us
08/12/07Ann Coulter sleeps with Ron Paul?
08/13/07High Risk Spending, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/13/07Pillitter Estates 2004 Icewine Vidal Canada
08/14/07Endangering Endangered Entities
08/14/07Honesty is the Best Policy
08/16/07Peace & Justice - for Veterans and all of us
08/17/07Rex Goliath Shiraz California
08/20/07High Risk Credit, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/20/07Peller Estates 2004 Vidal Blanc Icewine Canada
08/22/07Know Nothing Party, Part Deux
08/23/07Troubling Clauses in the U.S. Constitution
08/24/07Constitutional Problems: the Commerce Clause
08/27/07Aging Infrastructure, by US Rep. Ron Paul
08/28/07Anne and the Gifts Life Brings
08/29/07Rosemount Estates 2004 Hills of Gold Chardonnay Australia
08/31/07Day Dreamin'
09/02/07Surrender Should Not Be an Option, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/03/07Welcome to Political Playland
09/04/07Opposition to HR 552, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/05/07Bringing the Corridor/Toll Corruption National
09/05/07Constitutional Problems: the Contract Clause
09/06/07The Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act, Cosponsors US Rep. Ron Paul
09/08/07Telteca Anta 2006 Sauvignon Blanc Argentina
09/08/07Hayes Ranch 2005 Chardonnay California
09/09/07Regulation, Free Trade and Mexican Trucks, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/09/07How The Rockefeller Republicans Raped America: Part 1
09/11/07The Camera Never Lies
09/11/07Schmitt Sohne 2005 Rheinhessen Germany
09/12/07The Right Start Child Care and Education Act, Cosponsors US Rep. Ron Paul
09/12/07Ron Paul and Davy Crockett, by Paul4Prez
09/12/07Rosemount 2004 Chardonnay Hills of Gold Australia
09/14/07Referrer Spammed by
09/14/07Phyllis Schlafly Exposed: Part 2 on the NeoCons
09/15/07Constitutional Problems: Due Process
09/16/07The Sunlight Rule, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/16/07The state of the State of Columbia
09/16/07Yalumba 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon South Australia
09/16/07Rotari Arte Italiana Brut Trento Italy
09/17/07COMMON GENIUS: Guts, Grit, and Common Sense, by Bill Greene
09/17/07RtF is donating Ad space to RR!
09/19/07Fonseca Port Aged 10 Years Portugal
09/19/07Cycles Gladiator 2005 Chardonnay Central Coast California
09/20/07Statement before the Financial Services Committee, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/21/07American Mis-education
09/23/07The Money Has to Come From Somewhere, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/23/07Blackstone, China, and the end of the world as we know it: Get Ready
09/24/07Sycamore Lane 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon California
09/24/07LaTerre 2006 Chardonnay California
09/27/07The Tax Free Tips Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/27/07Constitutional Problems: Privileges and Immunities
09/28/07How can we get the masses off their apathetic asses?
09/28/07Zin-fat-u-a-tion 2005 Zinfandel Napa Valley California
09/29/07Corq Dorq 2004 Chardonnay California
09/30/07Congressional Control of Health Care is Dangerous for Children, by US Rep. Ron Paul
09/30/07From a Tiny Tear to the End of America's Fascist State – How to extract yourself from the Web Corporate Greed.
09/30/07Cycles Gladiator 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
10/01/07Blog Toplist and Topblogging Voting Page
10/01/07A paean to political Patriotism
10/02/07Statement on Burma, H Con Res 200, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/03/07Pinot Evil, Pinot Noir France
10/03/07America's Nuremberg Trials: Those who violate their oaths, take note.
10/04/07Latest attempt to stop Ron Paul, Register Now
10/05/07Badger Mountain 2006 Chardonnay Columbia Valley Washington
10/07/07Keeping Promises to Seniors, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/10/07Equal Protection of the Laws
10/10/07Magnus 2004 Riesling Clare Valley Australia
10/11/07The Enemy Within: Cato and its Covert Agenda
10/12/07Ménage a Trios 2006 Blended Red California
10/14/07Taxing Ourselves to Death, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/14/07The WarOn Commission Report
10/14/07Laissez Faire Books Goes Dark
10/15/07American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/15/07Greater Separation of Powers
10/16/07Cosponsors "Taxpayer Choice Act", by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/16/07Political Incentives
10/17/07Domestic and International Monetary Policy, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/17/07Moratorium on Internet Taxation, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/18/07George W. Bush is not a douche bag!
10/18/07Pnoir 2005 Pinot Noir France
10/18/07Green Corn Project Fall Fundraiser and Whole Foods Market Nonprofit of the Month
10/18/07Secrets of the Exodus Rediscovered.
10/21/07Interventionism? Isolationism? Actually, both., by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/24/07The General Welfare Clause
10/26/07GatoNegro 2006 Cabernet Merlot Chile
10/27/07Corq Dorq 2004 Merlot California
10/28/07Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Close, Still No Cigars, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/29/07Demand for Tax Fairness, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/31/07Federal Reserve Rate Cut, by US Rep. Ron Paul
10/31/07Vampire 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
10/31/07Trick 2004 Blended Red California
11/01/07Link Text Examples
11/01/07The Stupidification of America
11/02/07CK Mondavi 2005 Merlot Wild Creek Canyon California
11/04/07Tax Reform Promises Treats, Delivers Tricks, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/04/07The Non-aggression Principle
11/04/07The Non-aggression Principle - Part 1
11/05/07The Family Farm, Small Business and Home Tax Relief Act, Cosponsored by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/06/07Introducing HR 4077 to Allow the Interstate Shipment of Unpasteurized Milk, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/07/07Announcement Mystery Topic Challenge #4
11/07/07Strange Bedfellows
11/07/07The Necessary and Proper Clause
11/07/07Meridian 2005 Chardonnay Santa Barbara California
11/08/07Statement Before the Joint Economic Committee, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/08/07That's Customer Service, Baby! (reciprocal exchanges)
11/09/07Make No Cents Until It Makes Sense Act, HR 4127, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/09/07Warre’s Otima 20 Year Tawny Port Portugal
11/11/07Entangling Alliances, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/11/07The Non-aggression Principle - Part 2
11/11/07Why Give Back?
11/13/07President of the United States for a Day
11/13/07What I would do if I were President for a day
11/13/07If only for a day I'd...
11/13/07If I were President for a day
11/13/07The Digital War for Freedom – has it begun for you?
11/14/07Turning Leaf 2006 Merlot Reserve California
11/14/07The Cancercrats of Texas
11/15/07Saving our children from the hazards of fascist schools
11/16/07Mirassou 2006 Pinot Noir California
11/16/07Cameron Hughes Lot 36 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford District California
11/17/07Waring Professional Series 300 Wine Chiller
11/18/07The True Cost of Taxing and Spending, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/19/07Tax Relief Bill, Cosponsor US Rep. Ron Paul
11/20/07Things I am thankful for
11/21/07The Supremacy Clause
11/22/07Turning Leaf 2006 Chardonnay
11/22/07Excelsior 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon South Africa
11/22/07Electric Reindeer NV Chardonnay
11/23/07Hillary, Ron Paul, and the End of Fascism
11/25/07Pain at the Pump, by US Rep. Ron Paul
11/26/07Can Government be Limited?
11/27/07Reckless Spending due to Lobbyists?
11/28/07Get Out of Our House (GOOOH)
11/29/07Declaration of War: Take Back America
11/29/07Why I am not an LP member
11/30/07Cockburn’s 10 Year Old Tawny Porto Portugal
11/30/07Georges Dubceuf 2007 Beaujolais Nouveau France
12/01/07Red Wine List
12/01/07Blush Wine List
12/01/07Other Varietals Wine List
12/01/07Wine Hardware List
12/01/07White Wine List
12/02/07Illegal Immigration and Border Security, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/04/07The Taxes and Takings Clauses
12/04/07The Mortgage Mafia is Feeding on the Homes and Hopes of Americans.
12/05/07Violent Radicalization & Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, HR 1955, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/05/07CollePino 2005 Sangiovese & Merlot Italy
12/07/07Bombs, Money, Ron Paul, and the next US President
12/07/07Wine Enthusiast Wine Chiller
12/07/07Turning Leaf Reserve 2005 Pinot Grigio California
12/07/07Castano Solanera 2004 Red Wine Spain
12/09/07Holiday Traditions
12/09/07What are your favorite holiday traditions and why?
12/10/07Bombed if you do, Bombed if you Don't, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/11/07Property Tax Deduction for All Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/11/07Doing Nothing is Suicide
12/12/07Massive Crime Wave Sweeps the Country
12/13/07Steps to Revolution – Effective Coalition, Cooperation, Communication, Consensus
12/13/07Free Competition in Currency Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/13/07Ste. Chateau Michelle 2005 Chardonnay Washington
12/13/07Luna di Luna 2005 Chardonnay-Pinot Grigio Italy
12/13/07Aaku 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Australia
12/13/07LaTerre 2006 Chardonnay California
12/13/07Llano 2005 Chenin Blanc Texas
12/13/07Finally, MLB comes clean! Why did the FEDS have to get involved?
12/16/07Importance of Fiscal Responsibility, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/16/07Libertarians, Old Guard Vs. New Blood, Fight at Eleven
12/17/07Open Letter to all Libertarian Presidential Candidates
12/18/07Cancer and Terminal Illness Patient Health Care Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/18/07The spirit of giving
12/18/07Will You Have Food to Eat Next Year?
12/19/07The Enumeration of Rights Clause
12/22/07Will the Light go on for Joseph Farah? Please God, we need a miracle !
12/23/07Omnibus Spending Bill, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/23/07The Glories of Christmas; Gifts Past and Yet-To-Be
12/27/07The Ron Paul Legacy of Freedom: How people will govern themselves.
12/27/07Bohemian Highway 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
12/27/07La Vieille Ferme 2005 Red Blend France
12/29/07Black Trail 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon Chile
12/30/07Foreign Entanglements: The Ties that Strangle, by US Rep. Ron Paul
12/30/07Black Swan 2006 Shiraz-Cabernet Australia
12/30/07Black Swan 2006 Chardonnay Australia
12/30/07Screw Kappa Nappa 2005 Chardonnay California
12/30/07 Bocce 2005 Red Zinfandel California
12/30/07The Burden of Government
12/30/07The Visible Burden of Government – Part 1
01/01/08The Battle of Milford, The Second American Revolution
01/02/08A Happy New Year
01/04/08Wild Vines Strawberry White Zinfandel California
01/06/08No Sunlight on the Omnibus, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/06/08Fiora 2006 Rose Wine Spain
01/06/08The Hidden Burden of Government – Part 2
01/07/08Barefoot Zinfandel California
01/08/08Students For Concealed Carry On Campus (SCCC) Endorses Georgia HB 915, The "Second Amendment Protection Act of 2008"
01/08/08Maison Nicolas 2005 Merlot France
01/08/08Arbor Mist Peach Chardonnay New York
01/09/0899 Ways to Steal Elections: The Story of John Fund and Ron Paul
01/09/08Update: You can't trust the Official Campaign
01/10/08Turning Leaf 2005 Pinot Noir California
01/11/08Badger Mountain 2006 Organic Pure Red Washington
01/11/08Paul Returns Thousands to Treasury
01/11/08Taking Back America – The Truth and New Hampshire
01/12/08Mirassou 2005 Chardonnay California
01/13/08Legislative Forecast for 2008, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/13/08Live-a-Little Red South Africa
01/14/08Sebeka 2006 Chardonnay South Africa
01/14/08Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War
01/14/08Ron Paul Educates
01/16/08Biblical Constitution?
01/17/08The Little Penguin 2005 Chardonnay Australia
01/17/08Origins and Tragic End of Sub-Mortgages: It’s the Government, Stupid!
01/18/08Yellow Tail 2006 Cabernet Merlot Australia
01/19/08Little Penguin 2005 Merlot Australia
01/20/08Constitutional Responses to Terrorism, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/20/08Maggie May, by Rod Stewart (MTC6)
01/22/08Gallo Sonoma Reserve 2005 Chardonnay California
01/23/08Congressman Ron Paul Fights to Block Congressional Pay Raises
01/24/08Sebeka 2006 Cabernet Pinotage South Africa
01/25/08Chateau du Pin Franc 2005 Merlot - Cabernet France
01/27/08Stimulus Package – What is Not Seen
01/28/08Economic Stimulus Concerns, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/28/08Jacob's Creek 2006 Shiraz Australia
01/29/08Statement on H.R. 5140, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/29/08Why Must We Obey Laws?
01/30/08Statement on H.R. 5104, by US Rep. Ron Paul
01/30/08Abrazo 2005 Garnacha Spain
01/31/08Proletariat winos of the world unite against the Bourgeoisie wine merchants!
02/02/08Why America Needs Coalition – Clean Elections and Freedom
02/02/08What Happened to Freedom? A Story You Need to Hear.
02/04/08Paving Paradise, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/04/08Ron Paul Beats McCain in Maine Caucus, Primed to Win Over 1/3 of State Delegates
02/04/08101 Reasons to Vote for Ron Paul
02/05/08cab-u-lous 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
02/06/08Combat Veterans Debt Elimination Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/06/08Labouré-Roi 2006 Red France
02/07/08Congressman Paul Takes Aim at DC Gun Ban
02/07/08Raz 2003 Shiraz France
02/09/08Politics is a Negative-Sum Game
02/10/08Second Amendment Battle in DC, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/11/08Dick Cheneys Dirty Little Secret
02/11/08Lorval 2005 Pinot Noir France
02/12/08Excelsior 2007 Chardonnay South Africa
02/13/08Competing Currencies, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/13/08Warriors for Freedom take aim at the Real ID
02/13/08TSA: Taking, Splurging and Appropriating
02/14/08Raspberry Apple Wine Pleasant Lake Winery North Dakota
02/16/08Contact CNN/Univision - the Corridor must be part of the debate!
02/16/08Savage claimed Lantos used the Holocaust as "a weapon the rest of his life", by Trevor Zimmer
02/16/08Quote 1341
02/16/08Arrested, caged and DNA tested - for using MP3
02/17/08If We Subsidize Them..., by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/18/08Zardetto Procecco Brut NV Italy
02/19/08Quote 1345
02/19/08High court turns away challenge to domestic-spying program
02/20/08Vacu-Vin Champagne Saver
02/20/08TSA: Taking, Splurging and Appropriating
02/20/08Evolution Run Amok
02/22/08Rosemount Estate 2004 Riesling South Eastern Australia
02/24/08Taxes or Tolls on the TTC, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/24/08Texas Hold’em Grade Reserve NV White Wine Texas
02/24/08Running on Fumes: a Bankrupt Nation
02/25/08Pine & Post 2004 Chardonnay Washington
02/26/08Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy, by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/26/08Sorry state of the Libertarian Party
02/27/08Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy (2), by US Rep. Ron Paul
02/27/08Campaigning for Ron Paul
02/27/08All Threats All the Time
02/27/08Evolution Run Amok
02/27/08Castle Rock 2006 Chardonnay California
02/29/08McManis 2006 Chardonnay California
03/02/08Hope for the Economy, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/03/08Congressman Paul Ranks #27 in House GOP
03/04/08Devour 2006 Chardonnay California
03/04/08Quote 1365
03/04/08Quote 1366
03/04/08Quote 1367
03/04/08Quote 1368
03/04/08Quote 1369
03/04/08Quote 1370
03/04/08Quote 1371
03/04/08Quote 1372
03/04/08Quote 1373
03/04/08Quote 1374
03/04/08Quote 1375
03/04/08Quote 1376
03/04/08Quote 1377
03/04/08Quote 1378
03/04/08Quote 1379
03/04/08Quote 1380
03/04/08Quote 1381
03/04/08Quote 1382
03/04/08Quote 1384
03/05/08Statement on Gaza Bill, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/05/08Foreign Government Investment in the U.S. Economy and Financial Sector, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/05/08Alice White 2007 Cabernet-Shiraz Australia
03/05/08Are you smarter than an illegal immigrant?
03/05/08All Threats All the Time
03/05/08Domaine Calvel 2004 Red Wine Corbieres France
03/05/08Let us Hope Hillary Caves in.
03/06/08Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher
03/06/08Educate, Amend, Rewrite or Let it Crash?
03/07/08Arrow Creek 2005 Chardonnay California
03/08/08The Ron Paul Revolution Goes Home to America
03/08/08Carro Tinto 2006 Red Wine Yelca Spain
03/09/08High Schools Add Classes Scripted by Corporations
03/10/08Can Foreign Aid Save Africa?, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/11/08Statement on Coinage, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/12/08Spitzer Resigns, Trying to Avoid Indictment
03/12/08Tormaresca 2006 Chardonnay Italy
03/12/08Saying No to the Liberty-Loathing State
03/12/08Sure-fire 2nd Amendment stance
03/12/08Talus 2005 Pinot Noir California
03/13/08Living by the Sword, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/13/08Better Living Through Chemical Warfare
03/13/08Are you smarter than an illegal immigrant?
03/14/08H.R. 3773 - FISA Amendments Act of 2008, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/14/08The Dollar is Dead, Long Live Gold!
03/15/08The criminalization of parents
03/16/08Making a Recession Great, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/18/08Keep Government Out of Mortgages
03/18/08Earth Day No. 38 - The Summer of Love, Two.
03/19/08Quote 1413
03/19/08The Great Privatizing Ploy
03/19/08Better Living Through Chemical Warfare
03/21/08America will Strike April 15, 2024
03/21/08Arrow Creek 2006 Pinot Noir France
03/21/08Dating tips, or how to save your Marriage in one easy lesson
03/22/08Quote 1421
03/22/08Ron Paul Statement After 10 Years of War with Iraq
03/23/08Alice White 2006 Chardonnay Australia
03/23/08On Five Years in Iraq, by US Rep. Ron Paul
03/23/08Mark Lerner is going to stop the Real ID. Now
03/24/08Emergency Update on the Real ID
03/25/08Joe Blow 2005 White Wine California
03/25/08Quote 1427
03/25/08Joe Blow 2005 Red Wine California
03/26/08Tom Knapp for US House of Representatives
03/26/08The Global Warming Medicine Show
03/26/08The Great Privatizing Ploy
03/28/08Tisdale Merlot California
03/28/08Quote 1433
03/29/08Twin Fin 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon California
03/30/08Osborne 2005 Solaz Spain
03/31/08Tin Roof Cellars 2006 Chardonnay California
04/01/08On Money, Inflation and Government, by US Rep. Ron Paul