What You Can Do

The single most useful thing you can do is to Vote.  Take the time, learn the candidates, learn the issues, and come to an informed decision and vote for the person who you feel can best do the job.  If there is no person on the ballot who you feel should hold the job, vote for the transvestite, the college kid, or whoever else might be on the ballot as a lark.  Upset the apple cart, because the duopoly in existence today has no incentive to change the power structure, as they are the power structure.

Also, does anyone know how to go about creating a grassroots movement to abolish the Electoral College?  Mostly I suppose I'm musing, "Is there a way for citizens to submit items for a National Ballot vote?"  Send me an email if you know of a website that lays out how one would go about this activity.  Thanks, now . . .

Please, Go Vote!,

M.J. Taylor

The rest of this section is dedicated to the specific "What You Can Do," for each article.  Some sections are appropriate for several articles, which will show up when the visited link color changes in multiple sections.  Sometimes these are written and published with the corresponding article, but usually they take several weeks to be written up and published.  Lack of time, interest, or late submission tends to delay them further.

What You Can Do List:
2024/02/04 Please Drink and Drive
2024/08/12 Austin, Texas: TxDOT Forgets How Our Country Was Founded
2024/09/17 Vote Exchanging
2024/09/03 Federal Overtime Rules
2024/08/20 Pocket Protector (humor)
2024/08/12 Austin, Texas: Anti-Toll Road Plan
2024/08/06 Live Free or Stay Put: Part 2
2024/07/23 Live Free or Stay Put: Part 1
2024/07/09 Libertarian Party Convention 2004, Part 2
2024/06/25 Libertarian Party Convention 2004, Part 1
2024/06/04 Nourish to Flourish
2024/04/23 Energy, Part 2
2024/04/09 Energy, Part 1 (not completed, but See, "Reach for the Weedwhacker")
2024/03/19 Free Martha
2024/09/09 Reach for the Weedwhacker
2024/08/29 Big System Shuffle
2024/05/16 Life in the Passing Lane
2023/12/26 Open Letter #3 to Rep Nancy
2024/12/06 Open Letter #2 to Rep Nancy
2024/11/28 Open Letter #1 to Rep Nancy
2024/11/13 We the People
2024/09/10 This Really Isn't Necessary 3: Fear and Loathing in Drayton Plains
2024/08/10 This Really Isn't Necessary 2: Harris County Hilton
2024/07/11 This Really Isn't Necessary 1: Houston Roadkill