
Dating tips, or how to save your Marriage in one easy lesson

In reality, it takes two to tango and a marriage is both give and take. It constantly baffles me that the majority of American woman don't seem to understand that their husbands have biological needs. And you woman, by agreeing to be married, have committed your life to meeting those needs, and if you don't accept that, you should just start the divorce proceedings already.

Now men, don't think you get off scot free here, your wife has physical, biological, and emotional needs that you too have committed your life to meeting.

Peter Namtvedt's picture

Let us Hope Hillary Caves in.

Hillary Clinton’s chances of becoming the next President of the United States shrank to little or non, as of March 5, 2008. Obama won in several states that she had called her own. By continuing her campaign she is counting on the super-delegates. This could be disasterous.

Campaigning for Ron Paul

Sometimes it seems like an uphill battle against despair, fighting against an almost total media blackout of Dr. Paul's campaign as well as educating voters to his message that have no idea he is still in the race. Sigh.

Proletariat winos of the world unite against the Bourgeoisie wine merchants!

I was appalled after reading the article, reprinted in several locations all over the internet, of wine drinkers thinking a wine tastes better if it’s more expensive. Does no one read the reviews at this site?

Maggie May, by Rod Stewart (MTC6)

That was the year I went to my first anti-war protest on the University of Houston campus and also the year I first smoked pot. And everywhere, all the time, that song was playing on the radio or on record players-it was one of the major soundtracks to my life.

Peter Namtvedt's picture

Biblical Constitution?

If Mike Huckable were to be elected president, would he place his hand on the constitution and swear to uphold the bible? Hell no, but he would proceed to make the bible our constitution.

Finally, MLB comes clean! Why did the FEDS have to get involved?

Finally the MLB (Major League Baseball) comes clean on "performance enhancing" drugs. And why was the Justice Department involved?

Doing Nothing is Suicide

If you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or any affiliation in between, go read this article. Not because of the feud and division Tom is starting between long time people who desire liberty, but because L. Neil Smith so eloquently states why everyone, who minds being unjustly jailed or killed, should gather behind Dr. Ron Paul's bandwagaon and push just as hard as you can, right now.

Peter Namtvedt's picture

What are your favorite holiday traditions and why?

"What are your favorite holiday traditions and why?" A pagan festival, because it's rational and has a longer tradition than any other.

Holiday Traditions

The Holidays seem like some thing right out of Currier & Ives, right up until Christmas Day.

Peter Namtvedt's picture

If I were President for a day

If you were President/Prime Minister for a day, with the power to do absolutely anything (Supreme Court? What Supreme Court?), what would you do and why? I would start dismantling everything bad in our government, because they destroy liberty instead of securing it.

If only for a day I'd...

If I were king/emperor/president for a day.

What I would do if I were President for a day

I doubt seriously I would make a good President; I'm sure I would be every bit as big an asshole as any other but I would differ in that I would begin every daily briefing, every Congressional session with a reading of the Constitution rather than a prayer. It would be my hope that eventually, the words would sink in and effect some much-needed change.

President of the United States for a Day

Class: Sociology 203
University Mandated Assignment
Due Date: 4/15/2029

Assignment: Discuss the sociological ramifications of the Presidential Lottery held on November 7, 2007.

Additional Class Notes: As you know, the Presidential Lottery was never held again, due to the public outcry. You may use as reference the still small minority who continue to try to re-introduce the Presidential lottery. If you do, be prepared to analyze in depth the claims that the actions of that day are the only thing that allowed our country to (using their language) “turn back from the slide into a Nazi type Fascism so prevalent among the ruling class at the time.” And unless you can provide incontrovertible proof that Mr. Bush, or anyone for that matter, survived the destruction at the old Verizon Center, please don't regale me with your fantasies they are living on a Tropical Island. The attached diary entry may be used to compare and contrast what officially happened, to what did happen, and to what was planned.

As per University rules, the best paper on campus will be printed in the University Times.

Peter Namtvedt's picture

Why Give Back?

Why do wealthy people feel guilty because of their wealth? Why do they announce that they feel the need "to give back?" Is it because they "took too much?"