If I were President for a day
Submitted by Peter Namtvedt on Tue, 2024-11-13 19:41.If you were President/Prime Minister for a day, with the power to do absolutely anything (Supreme Court? What Supreme Court?), what would you do and why? I would start dismantling everything bad in our government, because they destroy liberty instead of securing it.
President of the United States for a Day
Submitted by M.J. Taylor on Tue, 2024-11-13 12:36.Class: Sociology 203
University Mandated Assignment
Due Date: 4/15/2029
Assignment: Discuss the sociological ramifications of the Presidential Lottery held on November 7, 2007.
Additional Class Notes: As you know, the Presidential Lottery was never held again, due to the public outcry. You may use as reference the still small minority who continue to try to re-introduce the Presidential lottery. If you do, be prepared to analyze in depth the claims that the actions of that day are the only thing that allowed our country to (using their language) “turn back from the slide into a Nazi type Fascism so prevalent among the ruling class at the time.” And unless you can provide incontrovertible proof that Mr. Bush, or anyone for that matter, survived the destruction at the old Verizon Center, please don't regale me with your fantasies they are living on a Tropical Island. The attached diary entry may be used to compare and contrast what officially happened, to what did happen, and to what was planned.
As per University rules, the best paper on campus will be printed in the University Times.
Cosponsors "Taxpayer Choice Act", by US Rep. Ron Paul
Submitted by Staff on Tue, 2024-10-16 00:00.Washington, DC - Congressman Ron Paul has signed on to co-sponsor legislation that will repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax on individuals and replace it with an alternative, simplified tax that individuals may choose.
The Taxpayer Choice Act of 2007 H.R. 3818 would completely repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax, which was originally enacted to impose taxes on a small number (originally only 155) of the wealthiest Americans. Because the tax is not indexed to inflation, more and more Americans are falling under the AMT trap. Temporary increases in the exemption amount have been extended until the end of 2010. If the AMT is not repealed, 50 million taxpayers will be affected within a decade, up from 3.5 million in 2006.
Taxing Ourselves to Death, by US Rep. Ron Paul
Submitted by Staff on Sun, 2024-10-14 00:00.This past week, Congress had an opportunity to permanently repeal the death tax by amending the Tax Collection Responsibility Act of 2007 to include language that ends the estate tax forever. This would have been a good provision in an overall bad bill. 212 Democrats were enough to keep this spectre looming on the horizon if the Bush tax cuts are not renewed in 2011. The bill passed without this silver lining and now we face big in increases taxes and penalties in the next five years.
The underlying attitude behind this bill, and the estate tax, is what I find so distressing about tax policy in this country today - that being a growing disregard for property rights, which are so important to the American dream.
The Tax Free Tips Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
Submitted by Staff on Thu, 2024-09-27 00:00.The Tax Free Tips Act of 2007 H.R. 3664 would exempt tips and gratuities from federal income and payroll taxes. Tips often compose a substantial portion of the earnings of waiters, waitresses, and other service-sector employees. However, unlike regular wages, a service-sector employee usually has no guarantee of, or legal right to, a tip. Instead, the amount of a tip usually depends on how well an employee satisfies a client. Since the amount of taxes one pays increases along with the size of tip, taxing tips punishes workers for doing a superior job!
The Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act, Cosponsors US Rep. Ron Paul
Submitted by Staff on Thu, 2024-09-06 00:00.Congressman Ron Paul took action today to shield American homeowners from an outrageously unfair IRS tax policy by cosponsoring The Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act.
H.R. 1876 bars the IRS from considering partial mortgage forgiveness as income subject to taxation.
Under current law, only two categories of individuals pay taxes when selling their principle residence: those who have been able to realize a capital gain of more than $250,000 ($500,000 on a joint return) and those who lose the equity in their home and are forced to pay taxes if the lender forgives some portion of the mortgage debt.
“In these difficult times with the credit crunch and housing market downturn, some homeowners are finding it more and more difficult to avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes. If the bank allows a homeowner leeway and renegotiates with them in lieu of foreclosure, the IRS should not victimize the homeowner for doing the best they can to pay their debt.” Stated Congressman Paul.
Now is not the time to increase the tax burden on struggling homeowners. Strict reins must be put on the IRS by Congress to limit as much as possible the damage it does to the taxpayer and to the American dream.
Public Safety Tax Cut Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul
Submitted by Staff on Wed, 2024-08-01 00:00.Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to introduce the Public Safety Tax Cut Act. This legislation will achieve two important public policy goals. First, it will effectively overturn a ruling of the Internal Revenue Service which has declared as taxable income the waiving of fees by local governments who provide service for public safety volunteers.
Many local governments use volunteer firefighters and auxiliary police either in place of, or as a supplement to, their public safety professionals. Often as an incentive to would-be volunteers, the local entities might waive all or a portion of the fees typically charged for city services such as the provision of drinking water, sewerage charges, or debris pick up. Local entities make these decisions for the purpose of encouraging folks to volunteer, and seldom do these benefits come anywhere near the level of a true compensation for the many hours of training and service required of the volunteers. This, of course, not even to mention the fact that these volunteers could very possibly be called into a situation where they may have to put their lives on the line.
The "Fair" Tax is a welfare scam
Submitted by Thomas L. Knapp on Mon, 2024-08-28 13:35.[fRtF] 8/11 - America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
Submitted by M.J. Taylor on Fri, 2024-08-11 10:05.- Current Article: -
America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
Aaron Russo is a man with guts. A former music promoter, talent agent, film producer, and near candidate for President of the Libertarian Party, Russo is one of those uniquely American iconoclasts whose stubbornness has led him to stray far and wide to satisfy his intellect.
Initially a film about his search to find out whether Americans indeed are required to pay Federal Income taxes, Russo became compelled to delve into much deeper topics related to political corruption, the influence of international banking on American policy and, ultimately, the fate that awaits our nation if we continue to allow our government to increase its control on our daily lives.
America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
Submitted by Staff on Thu, 2024-08-10 20:49.Aaron Russo is a man with guts. A former music promoter, talent agent, film producer, and near candidate for President of the Libertarian Party, Russo is one of those uniquely American iconoclasts whose stubbornness has led him to stray far and wide to satisfy his intellect.
Initially a film about his search to find out whether Americans indeed are required to pay Federal Income taxes, Russo became compelled to delve into much deeper topics related to political corruption, the influence of international banking on American policy and, ultimately, the fate that awaits our nation if we continue to allow our government to increase its control on our daily lives.
How New Yorkers can stop the NeoCons
Submitted by The Melinda on Sat, 2024-07-22 12:00.Matthew 7:5 - You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.’
New York State is legend for the corruption of its government. Some New Yorkers might prickle at that but they know it is all too true. In some instances in other places corruption is incidental, arising from one individual or a small number of individuals who abuse their power.
But in New York the story is more complex. That corruption has been enabled by the political structure built mostly by those who identify themselves as Democrats. The abuse of power in New York City, through the
John Fund and the Truth: On Trial in New York
Submitted by The Melinda on Thu, 2024-07-13 12:00.Our trust in justice does not die all at once, it seeps out through hundreds and thousands of small wounds over a long time.
The process of Justice in America has not been swift; it has been four long years. It is not certain; Robert Morganthau refused to prosecute the criminal case without explanation.
But in this case the victim has finally managed to have her day in
How the NeoCons make War on all of us
Submitted by The Melinda on Tue, 2024-05-23 12:00.Get this graphic on a tee-shirt or mug.
Melanie Morgan, recovered gambling addict and San Francisco talk show host, announced two days ago that her new project, Censure Carter, will be launching a series of TV ads urging that Congress take up the issue of censuring Jimmy Carter for sympathizing with the Palestinians.
Morgan is in this way fulfilling her obligations as one in
Coulter's War: Ann Coulter acknowledges the covert NeoCon war on Americans
Submitted by The Melinda on Wed, 2024-05-17 12:00.In her most recent rant Ann Coulter, not satisfied with the blood bath going on in Iraq and the violations of individual rights perpetuated by the Bush Administration, calls for open war between Republicans and, evidently, everyone else on the face of the Earth and questions the masculinity of Republicans who fail to hit the
Boobs, Panties, and Courage: How honest elections could change Alabama
Submitted by The Melinda on Thu, 2024-05-04 12:00.As Americans deal with the issue of honest elections, feeling for good reason, that an honest election may well be an impossibility today, the citizens of Alabama are confronting the most interesting and provocative choice that has faced them for a good long time.
It is happening in the race for governor of the Camellia State.
The Civil Rights Movement started in Alabama, where Rosa Parks made her stand. So conflict over the issues of individual rights hold place in the minds of its people. A generation ago the issue was the vote for Black Americans. Today the issue is still
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