The GOP vs. the LP

I just received an email from a man who is working very hard trying to find out why so many of his party members (GOP) have gone over to the LP. It's an honest question and one that needs addressing before another election hits us. My input was short and clear in my mind why even I have jumped the curb on several elections and voted LP.

The GOP has no firm, united set of issues. The Conservatives have a single issue but it is not shared by the rest of the GOP. I seem to remember a desire for smaller government with keeping state's rights running a close second.

I read the GOP platform for the first time in 1992 and was shocked to see the extent that President Bush wanted control of the world. He wasn't kidding when he talked about a one world order. Of course, to save America he also had a list of moral/social issues that ended up removing the many old-time Republicans from his voter base. On top of that, he lied to the voters about no more taxes. In my opinion, he did not run as a Republican but a third party semi-socialist.

We need to return to a GOP platform that is based 100% on the Constitution and nothing else. We need to unite against federal intrusion into our personal decisions, a firm set of immigration laws, a strong custom's department and an absolutely secure transportation base of laws from trucks, trains to airlines. All these are found as federal responsibilities in the Bill of Rights/Constitution.

All this other stuff is worthless and confusing to most voters and a complete turn off to non-voters. The key word is the Constitution! Every candidate running for office under the banner of the Republican Party should know the Constitution from top to bottom and never hesitate to use it during their campaigns and debates. I can't believe the crap I heard during the campaign speeches and debates.

No wonder the LP is building a base. Every question asked during the debates was answered clearly with a reference to the law. Several questions were answered "this is not mentioned in the Constitution and should be sent back to the state for action!"

Our Republican party has fallen into a touchy-feely compassionate set of values that can't possibly be found within the strict laws of the federal government. Time to take it back and bring it into the party of the law!

Years ago we issued many categories of not-for-profit organizations to give them the ability to fund raise for their groups; today we seem to want the federal government to fund these groups and too much fraud and abuse is found. There is no place in the budget to fund these programs and they should be removed!

The churches and charities have the ability to fund raise, the government does not!

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