Ron Paul

Statement before the Financial Services Committee, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Mr. Chairman, the situation facing us now in the mortgage industry has its roots in the Federal Reserve's inflationary monetary policy. Without addressing the roots of the current crisis, any measures undertaken to improve the situation will be doomed to fail.

As with asset bubbles and investment manias in past history, the fuel for the current housing bubble had its origins in monetary manipulation. The housing boom was caused by the Federal Reserve's policy resulting in artificially low interest rates. Consumers, misled by low interest rates, were looking to consume, while homebuilders saw the low interest rates as a signal to build, and build they did.

The Sunlight Rule, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously said “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Indeed some of the most malignant growth of our government has been nurtured under a cover of darkness.

Literally, in the dark hours of the morning at the end of the year, it has become tradition for the Appropriations committee to rush the famous omnibus bill to the floor for a vote, mere hours after it is introduced. The vote took place at 4 am the last time an omnibus spending bill was before us. We had all of 4 hours to deliberate on almost 1400 pages of important legislation. My colleagues somehow found this acceptable, however, and the bill passed 212-206.

The Right Start Child Care and Education Act, Cosponsors US Rep. Ron Paul

The Right Start Child Care and Education Act of 2007 is a comprehensive reform that increases the existing child care tax credit to $5,000 (from $2,400) for the first child and $10,000 for the second. It also increases the current business tax credit for providing child care services at work from $150,000 a year to $225,000. And it creates the “Right Start Child Care Professional” tax credit to encourage college graduates to choose child care as a profession.

Regulation, Free Trade and Mexican Trucks, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Another NAFTA nail is about to be hammered into the coffin Washington is building for the US economy. Within the next few days our borders will be opened to the Mexican trucking industry in an unprecedented way. A "pilot" program is starting which will allow trucks from Mexico to haul goods beyond the 25 mile buffer zone to any point in the United States . Officials claim this is being done with utmost oversight, but Americans still have their legitimate concerns. Rather than securing our borders, we seem to be providing more pores for illegal aliens, drug dealers, and terrorists to permeate.

The Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act, Cosponsors US Rep. Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul took action today to shield American homeowners from an outrageously unfair IRS tax policy by cosponsoring The Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act.

H.R. 1876 bars the IRS from considering partial mortgage forgiveness as income subject to taxation.

Under current law, only two categories of individuals pay taxes when selling their principle residence: those who have been able to realize a capital gain of more than $250,000 ($500,000 on a joint return) and those who lose the equity in their home and are forced to pay taxes if the lender forgives some portion of the mortgage debt.

“In these difficult times with the credit crunch and housing market downturn, some homeowners are finding it more and more difficult to avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes. If the bank allows a homeowner leeway and renegotiates with them in lieu of foreclosure, the IRS should not victimize the homeowner for doing the best they can to pay their debt.” Stated Congressman Paul.

Now is not the time to increase the tax burden on struggling homeowners. Strict reins must be put on the IRS by Congress to limit as much as possible the damage it does to the taxpayer and to the American dream.

Opposition to HR 552, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Madame Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.Res. 552, “Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to remove barriers to United States financial services firms doing business in China.”

Attempting to force the hand of the Chinese government by requiring them to open their markets to US financial services firms is akin to playing with fire. Politicians today fail to realize just how deeply our profligate fiscal and monetary policies of the past three decades have left us in debt to China. The Chinese government holds over one trillion dollars in reserves, leaving the future of the dollar highly vulnerable to the continued Chinese demand.

Surrender Should Not Be an Option, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Faced with dwindling support of the Iraq War, the warhawks are redoubling their efforts. They imply we are in Iraq attacking those who attacked us, and yet this is not the case. As we know, Saddam Hussein, though not a particularly savory character, had nothing to do with 9/11. The neo-cons claim surrender should not be an option. In the same breath they claim we were attacked because of our freedoms. Why then, are they so anxious to surrender our freedoms with legislation like the Patriot Act, a repeal of our 4th amendment rights, executive orders, and presidential signing statements? With politicians like these, who needs terrorists? Do they think if we destroy our freedoms for the terrorists they will no longer have a reason to attack us? This seems the epitome of cowardice coming from those who claim a monopoly on patriotic courage

Aging Infrastructure, by US Rep. Ron Paul

The recent and tragic bridge collapse in Minnesota raises many questions in Americans' minds about our aging infrastructure, and what is being done to maintain it. Questions such as: "Was I-35 an isolated accident or are we approaching days when crumbling bridges and bursting pipes will be regular features on the evening news?"

The poor ratings on the inspection report of that bridge, and similar deficiency findings on as many as 25% of our bridges suggests the latter. Estimates on what it will cost to bring deficiencies in our infrastructure back up to par range from massive to astronomical.

High Risk Credit, by US Rep. Ron Paul

As markets went on a rollercoaster ride last week, our economy is coming close to a day of reckoning for loose credit policies being followed by the Federal Reserve Bank. Simply, foreign banks we have been relying on to buy our debt are waking up to the reality of much higher default rates than predicted, and many mortgage backed securities have been reduced to “junk” ratings. Wall Street fears the possibility of tightening credit and the tightening of America’s belts. Why, they say, “if Americans spend only what they can afford, think of the ripple effects throughout the economy!” This is the cry, as the call comes for the fed to cut rates and bail out companies in trouble.

More inflation is, however, never the answer to inflation.

High Risk Spending, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Last week this column addressed the train wreck that federal spending has become. To score political points politicians will make loud noise about fairly small matters such as earmarks, even while refusing to address the real problem. Namely, that our federal government is too big and does too much. Politicians prefer to pass a bill or create a program every time somebody points to a new social problem, this way they can tell their constituents how much they are doing to help. Instead of rationally explaining the proper role of government, politicians have attempted to play the role of friend, preacher, parent, social worker, etcetera-- in essence, whatever any organized special interest can demand.

Ann Coulter sleeps with Ron Paul?

“Ann Coulter and Ron Paul?” “Ann Coulter supports Ron Paul?” “Ann Coulter sleeps with Ron Paul?” [Okay, I made the last one up :) .]

But, I keep seeing searches hit the site trying to find out information about these two. And, I admit that I can't fathom any sort of relationship existing to tie the two together, but you've got my cat like curiosity (or morbidity?) peaked! I'm having sleepless nights. I'm having to up my Paxil dose. I'm rolling over in my grave. (Well not yet)

As Recess Begins, Spending Spree Continues, by US Rep. Ron Paul

These last few weeks the House has been in a rush to pass spending bills before August recess. In fact, visitors walking the hallways of Congress become immediately struck by the apparent spending battle between the “conservative Democrats” of the so-called “Blue Dog Coalition,” and the Republican Study Committee, or RSC, generally representing the more conservative bloc of Republican House members. Members of each of these groups place large posters on easels outside their offices. The purpose behind this seems clear, to point the finger at the opposite party for the current budget mess that continues to threaten America’s future.

When Republicans had control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress, very little was done to stem the tide of federal spending. In fact, spending increased every year over the past decade. New programs such as “No Child Left Behind,” and entitlements like the Prescription Drug Benefit, were added at great cost to federal taxpayers.

Introducing the Comprehensive Health Care Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Madame Speaker, America faces a crisis in health care. Health care costs continue to rise, leaving many Americans unable to afford health insurance, while those with health care coverage, and their physicians, struggle under the control of managed-care "gatekeepers." Obviously, fundamental health care reform should be one of Congress' top priorities.

Unfortunately, most health care "reform" proposals either make marginal changes or exacerbate the problem. This is because they fail to address the root of the problem with health care, which is that government polices encourage excessive reliance on third-party payers. The excessive reliance on third-party payers removes all incentive from individual patients to concern themselves with health care costs. Laws and policies promoting Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) resulted from a desperate attempt to control spiraling costs. However, instead of promoting an efficient health care system, HMOs further took control over health care away from the individual patient and physician.

Treat Physicians Fairly Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Madame Speaker, I rise today to introduce the Treat Physicians Fairly Act, legislation providing tax credits to physicians to compensate for the costs of providing uncompensated care. This legislation helps compensate medical professionals for the costs imposed on them by federal laws forcing doctors to provide uncompensated medical care. The legislation also provides a tax deduction for hospitals who incur costs related to providing uncompensated care.

Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) physicians who work in emergency rooms, as well as the hospitals, are required to provide care without seeking compensation to anyone who comes into an emergency room. Thus, EMTLA forces medical professionals and hospitals to bear the entire cost of caring for the indigent. According to the June 2/9, 2003 edition of AM News, emergency physicians lose an average of $138,000 per year because of EMTLA. EMTALA also forces physicians and hospitals to follow costly rules and regulations, and can be fined $50,000 for failure to be in technical compliance with EMTALA!

HR 3159, the Ensuring Military Readiness through Stability and Predictability Deployment Policy Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Madame Speaker: I rise in support of this legislation to provide some Congressional oversight over the deployment and maintenance of our troops stationed overseas. As the Constitution states in Article I Section 8., Congress has the power "to make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces," and therefore Congress has an obligation to speak on such matters. I have been and remain extremely concerned about the deployment extensions and stop-loss programs that have kept our troops deployed and engaged for increasingly extended periods of time. My constituents who are affected by this policy have contacted me with their concerns as well.