America: Urban or Rural
America is made up of two separate divisions. According to the famous map of the 2000 election, that showed how the population voted, it was apparent that the urban communities went heavily for Gore and rural America went for Bush.
The history of America shows us that our government was based on the desires of rural America. Fighting the oppression from England, our new American residents were quite content making their own local governments and developing their own societies (morals), with Washington DC holding down their job of keeping us safe from invasion from other countries.
After the industrial revolution brought more immigrants and more manufacturing into the new nation, our urban concepts grew to be stronger and having more influence in the federal government. I believe the main difference in developing these societies was that the urban groups gave more and more authority to the federal government to handle nearly all their decisions. I can't figure out why this happened, but history shows us it did.
As American industry grew and more urban people moved out of the big cities and ended up in rural America, this action became a culture shock to both sides of the division. When the race issue was introduced into the argument it became nearly impossible to handle. The minority immigrants became aligned with the urban groups and the dissention became more than many towns and villages could handle.
Americans have always been able to unite during times of crisis with all Americans become one nation. The division is now too far gone to even consider healing the rift. The election of 2000 divided the country as no other election in the history of America had done. Only a severe holocaust could unite the country at this time.
The earthquake in India should be a flag to every person living on the planet that terrible disasters are possible everywhere. We might have to rely on our friends and neighbors for our very survival. Is this possible any more?
So here we are in 2001, finding America divided up by urban vs. rural -Democrat vs. Republican and within the GOP we are now divided up between social and fiscal conservatives. It reminds me of a pyramid where American citizens hold the base line and all the divisions leading up to the top with a single solitary person having no group to help him survive.
It was much simpler when all we had to fight was Communism. We were a united country fighting a real enemy. Have we gone too far in our lack of unity now to make this an impossibility, should we be invaded?
This problem has gone beyond politics, beyond Washington DC's influence in our lives. This lack of unity is now seen in every neighborhood, urban and rural, in America. One neighbor pitted against another, students pitted against each other in the classrooms, even sports games have become places of violence. American corporations are filled with opportunists who care for their own positions rather than improving the product. Customer service is a touch-tone telephone.
My vision for America is too far-gone, and the promise that I was given by the GOP for years, to limit the federal government, is no longer an option. This downsizing of the feds would free all Americans from the overly intrusive laws and costs. I receive many emails telling me that my desire for a limited government is just plain foolish!
Do I believe President Bush is on the right track? Not really. He is mending fences and bending over backward to cuddle up to the Democrats. Is this healthy for the future of America? Maybe, but it does nothing for the problems that are facing us all today.
He, like the many leaders before him, feels that pumping more money into a failed pile of problems will fix them. It might shut some people up and give him breathing room, but naturally, I would like to see these piles eliminated and allocated to different decision makers, i.e. the individual states where they exist.
For the government to start funding faith-based groups is scary. Under George Bush, they might thrive, but what happens when Hillary Clinton is elected into the presidency? Just think about what she could do to the churches in America. All we have to see is what her programs did to the education of our children.
Keep the churches far away from any government intervention or funding!!!!
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