Latest attempt to stop Ron Paul, Register Now

From the "Anything to keep power" cabal, comes the latest on how to screw Dr. Ron Paul...

Many states, in an effort to shut out Ron Paul are now closing their primaries. That means that only Republicans can vote in the Presidential primaries for a Republican candidate. Many states are doing this quickly and quietly and giving people very little time to learn about the new rules. For example, New Hampshire decided only a week ago that you will now have to change your party affiliation by October 12, 2024 or it will be too late to do so. New Hampshire also has a closed primary and only Republicans and possibly Independents will be allowed to vote for Ron Paul.

In New York, you must be registered as a Republican or you cannot vote for Ron Paul and again, you must make this decision by October 12, 2024 or it will be too late. In New York, however, Independents cannot vote for Ron Paul. Same with New Jersey and many states around the nation ... The people in power are doing their best to shut out the multitude of voices that want to vote for Ron Paul. If you are a Ron Paul supporter, or even thinking about becoming a Ron Paul supporter, please become a registered Republican immediately so that no matter what your state does to change the rules out from under you, you will still be allowed to vote ...

All of these arbitrary deadlines are designed to keep a candidate such as Ron Paul from gaining momentum and making a last minute push. Effectively, Ron Paul has until October 12, 2024 to get as many Democrats, and others to switch sides in key states like New York and New Hampshire, or they will not be able to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. That means that the people in power have shortened the Ron Paul campaign to less than two weeks with the stroke of a pen!

Jennifer Reynolds

So, please register Republican immediately! Not tomorrow, Today! Word on the street is many currently open primaries are going to "close" after the deadline to register has passed. Yes, you read that right, the primaries will be officially open until the registration deadline (October 12th in many states), then will be ruled closed sometime between the registration deadline and the actual primary, thereby keeping most independent Ron Paul supporters from being able to vote in any Republican primary.

Full Story:
Jennifer Reynolds: Ron Paul Betting Odds Could be Impacted by New Voting Rules


Voter Registration Deadlines

There may be something of a conspiracy against Ron Paul, but this is not it. The rules for voter registration are set by state law and party bylaws. Under New Hampshire law, e.g., the secretary of state sets the date for the presidential primary, and the voter registration deadline is linked to that date. The secretary of state is trying to make sure that NH's primary remains the first in the nation.

Under California law, a voter has until two weeks before the election to change his or her affiliation. So any Californian who wants to vote for Dr. Paul on February 5 has until January 21 or 22 to register as a Republican.

In New Hampshire, independents will definitely have their choice of either party's primary. In other closed primary states as well, each party decides whether to invite independents into its primary.

BTW: In New Hampshire, October 12 is the deadline for currently registered voters to change their affiliations. NH has same-day registration for new voters, meaning that unregistered voters may register at the polls and vote on election day.

Steve Rankin

Use your own Brains, please.


I don't disagree with the select facts you presented. But they are irrelevant to this latest attempt by the Republican party to cut out the "non-Good 'ol Boy" Ron Paul, by intentionally waiting until after the deadline registration period has passed and then “Closing” the primary through State Law/Party Bylaws. This is well within their capabilities and character.

And, why exactly are you trying to give the Demopublicans at the State levels any more ethical purity that the same people they are at the National Level?

Please, wake up, use your brain, and most of all, Think,

In CA, you MUST register republican

If you live in CA, you MUST be registered republican. If you are registered "Decline to State", you will *not* be able to vote in the republican primary! The CA republicans did *not* file the required paperwork with the secretary of state of CA, to allow "Decline to State" voters to vote in their primary. The lady at the secretary of state that I spoke with called the lack of filing by the republicans "quite unusual".

[Copied from Digg comment left by czernel. -MJ]

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