Libertarians, Old Guard Vs. New Blood, Fight at Eleven
[Warning: Adult language]
Many of the old guard libertarians just don't get it. Ron Paul isn't an “Us vs. Them” internal libertarian / conservative republican fight, it's a:
Holy Crap! We're damn near Toast! Is there ANY one we can support or even marginally get behind that will at least slow the United States slide into a drooling Hitler dreamscape of Big Brotherism?
Because I don't know about you, but I only see two options on the table. 1) Fight like hell, and 2) Get the fuck out. And, I'm not yet ready to throw in the towel, load up the truck and move to Beverly. Which is a pickle in and of itself, because where would you move to? Canada? They're just short of a US protectorate, and the way the North American Union nonsense is going Canada and Mexico will be become basically the 51st and 52nd states soon. Great Britain? They're worse than we are. And while I don't mind learning another language, which Micronesia country do you want to throw a dart at and hope like hell it gets bypassed in the coming storm? So fighting is pretty much it.
Which brings me back to Tom, Wendy, and the rest of the Libertarian Party Old Guard. But let me segue for a second for those who don't realize what libertarians are, or why you should care:
Libertarianism: Maintaining the doctrine of free will.
Which really doesn't say much, so being a publisher of a libertarian site, I'll take liberties and expand that:
Libertarianism 101
A) If my actions harm no one other than myself, then it is not wrong (or illegal).
B) If you attempt to harm anyone else, you may be harmed to the extent that it will eliminate you as a threat.
Why the segue? Because, if you the reader, don't realize you're, at heart, a libertarian, then you're not going to understand why Ron Paul (or anyone like him) is so important at this juncture in US political history. And before you get all, “I'm NOT a libertarian!” I'm a ________, yes you are, unless you think theft is okay. And if you think theft is okay, get the fuck out of my country.
Now, that we're square with everyone still reading this has at least the notion that theft is wrong, I'll dig into why anyone who thinks theft is wrong should get off their butts and find ways to help Ron Paul become the next US president.
Fascism, Socialism, Communism, and just the whole concept of any government becoming Big Brother is theft. It's theft of your time, your money, and most importantly, your free will. Which is the point. The only candidate who has a ghost of a chance that is even remotely concerned with trying to stop the theft of your free will is Dr. Ron Paul. So you choose, continue the US slide into Fascism or support Ron Paul? (Uhm, that's a rhetorical question people, go support Ron Paul. Seriously, do you want to blow your car just to get it to start?)
Now, finally, since Tom started this whole article with his request that I, “please get substantive,” on to the Old Guard Libertarians.
What the fuck? Are you guys goddamn loony? Are you being covertly paid off by Haliburton or something? I respect you all (okay, maybe not so much those at the LP, but that's another matter [1]), but get over the nitpicking.
So what if Ron Paul personally believes that abortions shouldn't happen. That's his personal choice, and dammit, as libertarians we're suppose to respect people's personal beliefs. Also, I've yet to read ANYTHING that states he's willing to write law making abortions illegal. (This is directed at Wendy over at who has an ad-hominum post that I can't currently find about Ron's “slimy position on abortion.”) If some state makes abortions illegal, then a) take it to the Supreme Court, or b) do like the Free State Projecters and move to another State. It's your body, take control of it yourself, and please stop whining that other women haven't the ability to take responsibility for themselves.
And Tom, stop with the ad hominem attacks already. You've called Ron Paul a racist[2], and quite frankly, at this point in the US political crossroads, I'd just about vote for the man if he came out on national TV. (Okay, that might be a bit much, I'm not supporting the Ku Klux Klan) But that's the point, L. Neil Smith called you out on your seemingly vindictive attacks on Ron, so in my much less eloquent way, I'm doing the same. If you can PROVE something, then by all means write to your hearts content, I'll read every word. BUT, continuing your damn near knee jerk responses because Paul isn't “libertarian” enough is explicitly what is causing the feud and division starting to happen among the old guard libertarians and what should be a huge new infusion of people into the libertarian sphere.
Using very fuzzy math, there are going to be in the neighborhood of 200,000 [3] people willing to donate money to a libertarian-type candidate. Using fuzzier math, there's probably another two million active supporters (~10 supporters per donor) that will be looking for a home after Ron's all said and done. So, Wendy, Tom, et. all, could you stop pissing these people off? They are the proud, the few, and damn near the only ones outside of our tiny little spheres who do support concepts of equality (cough! Feminism) and individual rights (cough! Libertarianism). It's not limited to just you two, so sorry for singling you out, I just happen to respect both of you enough to care to show you that the methods you are using to state your objections about Ron Paul are doing more harm than good for the causes you believe in.
So, for the readers who've persevered through all this internal mud slinging, at the end of the day, if you believe theft in any form is wrong, please, right "NOW NOW NOW" go do something positive for Ron Paul. Because as I said before, “Doing Nothing is Suicide .”
M.J. Taylor
from Reason to Freedom
[1] Barr, 2004 LP Convention, Browne, etc., etc., etc.
[2] And "the Houston area's most assiduous pork-barreler?" You're kidding right? If not, can you share some of that with me?
[3] 200,000 = $20 Mil. / avg. $100 per donor.
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Old Guard? WTF?
There are so many things wrong with your approach here that it's hard to count them all. I'll start with the the one that invalidates the whole article:
If this is an "old guard" versus "new blood" thing -- I don't believe it is -- then you've got the sides mixed up. Much of the LP's "old guard," including LP founder David Nolan and early LP member L. Neil Smith, is backing Paul. I'm not anything resembling "old guard" -- I've been involved with the LP for less than 1/3 of its history. I could be wrong, but to the best of my knowledge, Wendy has never been an LP member, being both an anti-political voluntaryist and a Canadian.
As to the rest:
- Yes, Paul is the most assiduous Houston-area pork-barreler in Congress. Of the 11 Houston-area congresscritters, Paul submitted more pork requests ("earmarks") on the last budget bill than any of the other ten -- 65 requests, totaling $400 million, money for everything from marketing Houston-area shrimp to refurbishing an "historic" theatre to federally subsidizing local mass transit projects.
- I've been very careful to avoid calling Paul a racist, leaving open the possibility that he may just play footsy with racists while feeling them up for their wallets.
Neither of which is here nor there, since the article you're referring to was about other things, such as whether or not the Libertarian National Committee should obey the bylaws under which it functions.
Best regards,
Why do I bother?
To the hordes supporting Ron Paul anyone currently fighting for 'individual rights' or 'equality for all' is the “Old Guard.” That's you, me, Lew, Wendy, Smith, and anyone else who's been walking the talk for longer than the year or so that the Paulies have been awake. And, putting words in their mouth, they don't give a rat's ass if you're a card carrying member of the LP. It's not about the LP[1], it's about trying to not alienate a potentially huge influx of active new blood onto the side of truth and justice.
Our ranks are thin and we're about to lose a good portion more of the enchilada, so, please, if you want to snipe Paul for having the most numerical allocations in one specific appropriations bill, then, be fair and report everything and not just the negative.[2]
Plucking a tasty sound-bite makes an audience do a knee jerk, but if upon the audiences' further research your sound-bite is shown to be out of context or misleading, then ultimately you are the one who's reputation and respect is diminished.
So, if I had to sum up everything I'm trying to get across in one sentence: Be fair, be honest, be complete, be realistic, and look at the big picture.
Best wishes, and may your Old Crow and cokes be tasty,
[1] No, I shouldn't have added the original aside, because, yes, I do have “issues” with the LP not living up to the libertarian part of their moniker.
[2] Where does he rank by numerics and dollar amounts for all appropriation bills? For just Houston congressmen? For all congressmen? Is he on the low side or high side for either during an election year?
"Plucking a tasty sound-bite
"Plucking a tasty sound-bite makes an audience do a knee jerk, but if upon the audiences' further research your sound-bite is shown to be out of context or misleading, then ultimately you are the one who's reputation and respect is diminished."
Precisely. That's why I've made it a point to lay out the facts in context and as fully as possible instead of resorting to the kind of shoddy argumentation I'm seeing here.
It's also why I've moved on -- to the extent that it's possible to do so when others want to keep moving back toward what they seem to think is a winning argument.
As a matter of fact, this very morning I was at the point of throwing up my hands and saying "you know, I guess I should get with the goddamn Paul program. Most of the people I respect have been making good arguments for doing so, and while I'm contrarian from a mainstream point of view, I actually do like to be a team player. The crow isn't so bad -- I've ordered it before, and cleaned my plate."
The occasion for that agonizing reappraisal was this weekend's money bomb (not the amount of money, but the fact the number of donors it seems to have come from -- from what I'm hearing, more than 40,000 individual contributors), and some thinking I've been doing about the unlikelihood of unringing the LP/LNC bell on Paul.
Every time I get to that point, though, someone comes along and a) says I've said things I haven't said; and/or b) says that the things I have said aren't true; and/or c) says that even though the things I have said are true, they don't matter because ... well, just because; and/or d) claimed that whether or not I cave to their insistence that I support Paul is a litmus test of whether or not I am a "libertarian."
I think two or three of the above are applicable here -- so thanks for the cold water in the face. I may not be too contrarian to be a team player, but I'm far too contrarian to fall for any of these cheapass tricks. It's obviously not that important, in the scheme of things, whether I change my views or not. But it's important to me that if I do so there's no way it can be seen as a result of the exceptionally poor salesmanship I've been seeing, just like if I buy my kid a toy it is important that that not happen in response to a temper tantrum.
Isn't Old Crow a brand of bourbon?
You left a comment that you liked "Old Crow and coke,” which is a brand of bourbon, correct? Maybe it's not and I missed the ironies of the first comment? Either way, I just copied and pasted what I thought you liked to drink, because in no way am I trying to 'bust' your chops or gloat or be an ass. It's not my style. I'm not even trying to change your mind about Paul, nor am I trying to say you aren't a libertarian because you don't support Paul.
Your decisions, your opinions, are yours and you've definitely built enough respect and admiration, precisely because you have a long history of being an ethical libertarian, to have both weighed greatly by anyone reading them.
That's my point (and what I perceived Smith's point to be as well): From what I see, specifically with regards to Paul, you aren't maintaining an objective fact based critique of Paul.
I see this a lot with anti-Paul libertarians, and the error of my ways is blatantly clear now with this exponential growth of misunderstanding, I used you and Wendy as specific examples to show the deleterious effects that it is having not only on you, but on the general fight for rights and equality.
May you're holidays hold happiness and joy,
PS: I'd go change my old crow signofft to bourbon, but then people would just be more confused.
Yep, Old Crow is bourbon ...
... as a matter of fact, it's the original Kentucky bourbon, and I think it's better than most of the more expensive brands. I'll put it up against Jim Beam any time, and for the price difference I'll certainly take it over Maker's Mark.
But, I think we're talking past each other. For the record:
- Early on, I outlined my problems with Paul and urged libertarians and Libertarians to look elsewhere for a candidate to support. I gave that up some time ago, though -- mostly if I talk about Paul, it's in response to someone else making what I consider inaccurate statements about him.
- The issue of whether or not the LP should support Paul is separable from the issue of whether or not Paul is worthy of support. In my opinion, the Libertarian National Committee exceeded its authority by endorsing Paul (yes, "inviting" one candidate, and not others, to seek the LP's presidential nomination is an endorsement) and by giving him access to LP assets developed using LP member-donated funds. In the TLE article you reply to (which pre-dates the LNC's actions), I point out that the LP can support Paul -- through the actions of its delegates at its national convention. And in one way or another (by nominating him if he'll accept, or by endorsing him if he succeeds in the GOP contest) I fully expect it to do so. I don't have to like that to expect it, or even to consider it a reasonable extension of longstanding trends.
- Per the above, I've actually been reconsidering my position on Paul. I just don't see any damn way that I'll be voting Republican for president next November (never done it before, and don't want to), even if Paul is the GOP nominee. However, if the LP nominates him (which, if he accepts, it will), I suspect that party loyalty will ultimately trump my nominee preference, just like it did in 1996, 2000 and 2004. Hey, you heard it here first! BUT ...
- I'll be damned if I'm going to let the Rick Fiskes of the world prevail upon me to support Paul with their "if you don't, you aren't a libertarian" horseshit. Nor am I going to be stampeded by your well-intentioned but flawed "we have to do SOMETHING!" reasoning (if I'm on fire, I certainly have to do SOMETHING! -- but I differentiate between running around screaming "I'm on fire!" on the one hand, or stopping, dropping and rolling on the other hand, and deem the latter better). Two of the things I value in this world are my prerogative of unforced judgment, and the friendship and mutual respect of my fellow libertarians. I decline to sacrifice the former to the latter.
Best regards,