
On Money, Inflation and Government, by US Rep. Ron Paul

These past few weeks have provided an unfortunate opportunity to discuss inflation. The dollar index has reached new all-time lows. The total money supply, M3, as calculated by private sources, is growing at a disturbing 17% rate. The Fed is pumping dollars into the economy at an alarming rate. Just recently the Fed announced new loan auctions totaling $100 billion. That is new money created from thin air. If these money auctions, combined with the bailout of Bear Stearns, continue to be the trend, we are in for some economic stormy weather. The explanation lies in understanding the basics of money, and why it is dangerous to give government and big banks control over it.

First, money is not wealth, in and of itself. You cannot create more wealth simply by creating more money. Wall Street bankers cry out for more liquidity, but what is really needed is more value behind the dollar. But the value, unfortunately, isn't there.

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Keep Government Out of Mortgages

Regarding mortgages, the government has already done quite enough, intervening in the market. Act after act, pushing banks to lend in riskier areas, creating excess housing demand. Then another act, messing things up, then another act to fix that, only to find it made it worse, then yet another fix. Now there is talk of government buying all the bad loans. This has to stop!